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Telefonica any good

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With the vision of those who already use hivelocity, for the state of SÃO PAULO the best option is embratel routes

Vivo (tlefonica) is usually a huge headache following STREAMING getting to be unusable in some small and medium sized cities in the state of SP


Of course, targeting the eguimento that I already work (streaming)

taking into account that most of the traffic in Brazil is located in the southeast

Editado por Otavio

Fox Soluções | (011) 3090 4444 / (011) 96841-9797 |
 | Streaming Áudio | CentovaCast | Revendas de Streaming | Data Center Brasil  EUA | 
 | Streaming Vídeo | CastControl WOWZA | Revendas de Streaming | Data Center Brasil  EUA | 

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Go for Algar or Internexa.

Telefonica and Vivo have a lot of problems and sometimes you will see yourself avoiding their network. 

A good thing is to join the mailinglist for providers

Another reliable player in Brazil is NetTurbo, I have the sales officer contacts, PM me if needed .


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9 horas atrás, themestrey disse:

não podemos esquecer a OI, por mais que o Antigo Par metálico deles seja Horrível, eles estão em todos os lugares, em minha cidade já tem a Fibra que é uma maravilha 400MB que é uma maravilha!

A Vivo está em quase todos PTTs do Brasil, então o acesso vai melhorar para todas operadoras que se conectam aos PTTs, como é o caso da Oi, Tim, Claro e diversas operadoras locais.

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Em 10/07/2020 em 13:29, HIVELOCITY disse:

We recently got rid of our Seabone i.e. Telia Italia Sprinkle bandwidth due to it not performing as well as we had hoped to Latin America.  Out of our data centers in Tampa and Miami we currently have Level 3, Telia Carrier,  TWTC, Cogent and public peering of FLIX and NOTA.   We are considering adding Telefonica to improve performance to Brazil and throughout Latin America but I though I would ask you all who you think would be the best addition to the network for serving South America and Central America. 

Telefonica has the largest routes in Brazil.

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5 horas atrás, Marcelo Safra disse:

The problem is the fact that Embratel/Claro are extremely closed for peering with other operators. As far as I can tell, they only make deals with big companies. It is very rare for any international provider to have peering with them, and it would be very interesting as the ping should drop and improve a lot.

Sei que a quantidade imensa de clientes finais que atendem os favorece... Mas acho um ótimo motivo para deixar eles ainda mais isolados, até que se vejam obrigados a abrirem, em vez de obrigarem os outros a contratá-los.

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