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Final do Getkudos

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Está madrugada recebi um e-mail do Getkudos, acho que a maioria sabe do que se trata esse serviço.


Segue o e-mail:

“Goodbye” is always the hardest word.


GetKudos will be permanently shutting down on May 23, 2015. In the next few weeks we’ll be giving you more details on how to migrate your account. This is a particularly difficult announcement for us to make and we’d like explain what led us to this decision.

We know many of you use live chat to provide amazing customer service. To build on this experience we wanted to create a product to obtain and share genuine testimonials from customers you've delighted.

However, we gradually realized that delivering on our original promise required a lot more love and resources than we could commit. In short, we believe that your business potential should not be capped by our resource limits. We want to do the right thing.

Therefore, we will be discontinuing GetKudos in phases over the next 3 months. As of today, we will stop accepting new beta signups but existing users can continue using the service. Shortly thereafter, we will provide existing users with a data export feature. Finally, three months from now, on May 23, 2015, all GetKudos pages will be taken offline and existing users will not be able to access their data in any form.

We hate leaving you without an alternative, so in the meantime we are asking potential partners to assist with the data migration. We’ll update you once we have a suitable solution.

We sincerely appreciate your support and regret the inconvenience this will cause. Although our GetKudos customer support resources are very limited, we will try to answer any questions you email to [email protected] .


With thanks
GetKudos Team



Resumindo, o serviço será encerrado até o dia 23 de Maio. Uma pena, já que era utilizado por muitos.

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