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Ibm Compra Softlayer

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Como o mercado já antecipava, a IBM compra a SL:




I have some exciting news to share—we are proud to announce this morning that IBM and SoftLayer have entered into a definitive agreement for IBM to acquire SoftLayer.

Eight years ago we founded SoftLayer to be the de facto platform for the Internet. It was the right platform at the right time, and continues to be for the future. As the demand for cloud-centric services grows with no end in sight, our platform provides the performance, flexibility, and control businesses need to capitalize on all the cloud has to offer.

For more than a century IBM has been the de facto standard for business and technology innovation and services. And when the company that created the industry standard for every business machine in the last hundred years turned its attention to the next most important business machine – the cloud – they found SoftLayer had built the platform that aligned with their vision.

IBM is a trusted supplier of enterprise cloud solutions – with over 9,000 successful cloud engagements with proven experience and expertise in building and delivering enterprise class cloud environments to support complex, mission critical workloads. SoftLayer’s innovative platform will complement and extend the IBM portfolio, delivering new value and flexibility for customers.

Together, we can take our shared vision and values farther, faster. We can bring you more scale and power than ever, with access to more data centers in more countries. And our capacity to innovate grows with the guidance, resources, and support of the company that is the gold standard in business around the world.

Nothing will change for you in the foreseeable future. Until the transaction is closed, which is expected in the third quarter, IBM and SoftLayer will continue to operate independently. Your SoftLayer account relationships and support infrastructure will remain unchanged, and your existing sales and technical representatives will continue to provide the support you need. At any time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your SoftLayer team members.

After closing, SoftLayer will operate as a business unit within IBM, with the same team, services, and commitment to delivering a superior cloud service and innovation that we have today, and the additional resources and talent that IBM brings to bear.

As a founder, SoftLayer is more than a business to me. It’s exceptionally personal. I have long maintained that the only reason we would join another company was if doing so protected and propelled our founding vision and continuing mission. Joining IBM does exactly that, and I can’t wait for you to see all that we will be able to do for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, I invite you to talk to your individual SoftLayer contact or myself and any member of my executive team.

Thanks for your business and your support,

Lance Crosby
Founder & Chief Executive Officer



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Pelo que estou vendo do mercado dos grandes players, acredito que a IBM vai manter do jeito que está COM quem já é cliente.


Provavelmente agora vamos ver soluções como TSM entre outras ferramentas muito boas disponiveis para clientes da softlayer/IBM :)


E claro, podem esperar que logo logo DELL/HP vão pensar em comprar/montar datacenters para SMB/Público em geral. Quem sai ganhando com isto somos nós. Já que agora, o hardware será de fabricação da IBM.

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A IBM está expandindo seu mercado, sobretudo devido a crise dos PCs, pra mim é natural esse investimento para ampliação da carteira de serviços. Espero que devido a nova postura de mercado da IBM, os preços venha a cair sem que pra isso tenhamos grandes impactos na qualidade.

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