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High Bandwidth Feedback


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Sorry for the post in English, but this one is directly targeted toward the South American community. 

We're currently working on a high bandwidth network across all of our facilities (Miami first). I wanted to get some feedback to see what sort of demand there is for low cost 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, and 80 Gbps unmetered. The bandwidth will be geared toward quality as I imagine streaming will be a major use.

These will be 100% dedicated and unshared ports, so you'll get the advertised bandwidth 24/7/365. It will be a mix of carriers with route optimization. 

What sort of prices would you expect for these options? Once again, these are unshared ports with guaranteed speeds. Please do not send me prices from providers giving you shared ports or off-peak specials. Please also don't mention FDC, they are single homed to Cogent and do not offer diverse paths or any network redundancy.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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I think it is a little difficult to make an assessment of this, because Brazil has very expensive links to be able to give a parameter out there.
Ideally you would charge for MB used, try to come up with a good and competitive consonance in the global market.

But if I were to charge the price that Brazil would charge for large quantities, I think it would be around R$15 a mega or even, because here the one that demands more is the quantity, the more cheaper the link is for MB.

Chamou? Estamos ai!

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Depends on buddy the only purposes that use Gb ports and larger volumes are streamings

More must be consistent with the traffic because it is no use providing 2.10, 40 gb if the traffic is 20tb, 30tb something that with a little load in a matter of 1 or 2 days if consumed in a streaming with low quality.

The market is very limited to this amount of link because few are actually using this volume in specific cases.

charge for MB I believe I do not know something good, just by the fact in a streaming in 1 mega - 480p already use that now pay as quoted by friend $ 15 for every 1 MEGA already makes any project unfeasible this just counting link out management software licenses. ..

I believe that if you can get $ 20 ~ $ 30 worth of GB worth of link will be really good since you have a traffic limit attached to each additional GB Engaged.

Fox Soluções | (011) 3090 4444 / (011) 96841-9797 |
 | Streaming Áudio | CentovaCast | Revendas de Streaming | Data Center Brasil  EUA | 
 | Streaming Vídeo | CastControl WOWZA | Revendas de Streaming | Data Center Brasil  EUA | 

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The link would be out of Miami, not Brazil. We're currently targeting prices under $0.20/Megabit with latency from ~90+ ms (give or take based on location, peering, etc). 

This is list pricing we're looking at (before discounts). Prices are not finalized and can go up or down.

~$199/mo - 1 Gbps dedicated unmetered
~$1599/mo - 10 Gbps dedicated unmetered

40 Gbps / 80 Gbps pricing is TBD.

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