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Preciso de um bom Dedicado. Custo X Beneficio

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Olá pessoal sou novo no fórum, e estou procurando um bom Servidor Dedicado em um ótimo DataCenter. no valor de até 260 R$

De início ter apenas planos de Hospedagem e futuramente oferecer planos de Revenda Também, pequenos de 5 a 30 GB.

pesquisando encontrei um dedicado na nessa configuração.

Processador: Intel Pentium G6950 2.8 GHz Dual Core Processor Mémoria: 4gb DDR2 HD: 2 x 250 GB IDE/SATA Tráfego Mensal 2000gb no Valor de <span style="font-weight: bold">150 Dollares</span> Mensais com WHM / Cpanel e Fantástico Deluxe.

Séra que da para trabalhar legal com ele, em média quantos sites da para hospedar , sites pequenos e médios.

Aceito outras ofertas,

Agradeço .

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Concordo com meu amigo Agencia Col.

Só vi "reclamações" generalizadas sobre o The Planet quando um de seus datacenters pegou fogo. Mesmo assim teve casos em que clientes não ficaram nem 6 horas fora do ar.

No mais, pode ser que tenha coisas mais especificas de utilizadores dos serviços deles.

Mas realmente nunca soube.


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Recebi de um cliente esse e-mail abaixo, referente ao novo módulo WHMSonic v2 para WHMCS, módulo que visa corrigir problemas do módulo anterior, o módulo é gratuito e desenvolvido pelo próprio fabricante.


You just need to upgrade your WHMSonic WHMCS module, please read the following and watch the video carefully. The video is not officially recorded, but it will simply show you how to configure it. We will release a new how to video tutorial soon with new website.


- Delete your all WHMSonic servers from WHMCS servers setting and create a new.

You need to configure your packages, I strongly recommend you to delete all WHMSonic packages and re-create them as the following video shows, because most of the settings are changed.

Download & Upload:

Please download the following module file, whmcs.php and upload it to your WHMCS >> modules >> servers folder >> whmsonic folder via FTP.

What should I know ?

In this new module, WHMSonic no longer create cpanel accounts. It creates only radios for internal and external as standalone.

How it works ?

- It can create directly external radio without any requirement.

- It can create a radio for the existing cpanel user.


You must create separate radio packages, internal and external. According to this configuration, you will need to update your website for the order links and the information must be provided to the visitor(customer) on the website before order, example; the following link is for a new external radio clients who donot have cpanel account on the server, like that.

Custom field for internal package:

The clients which are existing on the server may order radio services, you must create a custom field for each internal radio package in the WHMCS as shown in the video, field name must be the same as \"cpanel username\".



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Recebi de um cliente esse e-mail abaixo, referente ao novo módulo WHMSonic v2 para WHMCS, módulo que visa corrigir problemas do módulo anterior, o módulo é gratuito e desenvolvido pelo próprio fabricante.


You just need to upgrade your WHMSonic WHMCS module, please read the following and watch the video carefully. The video is not officially recorded, but it will simply show you how to configure it. We will release a new how to video tutorial soon with new website.


- Delete your all WHMSonic servers from WHMCS servers setting and create a new.

You need to configure your packages, I strongly recommend you to delete all WHMSonic packages and re-create them as the following video shows, because most of the settings are changed.

Download & Upload:

Please download the following module file, whmcs.php and upload it to your WHMCS >> modules >> servers folder >> whmsonic folder via FTP.

What should I know ?

In this new module, WHMSonic no longer create cpanel accounts. It creates only radios for internal and external as standalone.

How it works ?

- It can create directly external radio without any requirement.

- It can create a radio for the existing cpanel user.


You must create separate radio packages, internal and external. According to this configuration, you will need to update your website for the order links and the information must be provided to the visitor(customer) on the website before order, example; the following link is for a new external radio clients who donot have cpanel account on the server, like that.

Custom field for internal package:

The clients which are existing on the server may order radio services, you must create a custom field for each internal radio package in the WHMCS as shown in the video, field name must be the same as \\\"cpanel username\\\".



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Esqueci de comentar algo, módulo é aberto e permite criar/suspender/tirar suspensão e etc...


// Module Version v2.0 - 25-02-2010

function whmsonic_ConfigOptions() {

$configarray = array(

 \\\"Client Type\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"dropdown\\\", \\\"Options\\\" => \\\"External,internal\\\",\\\"Description\\\" => \\\"Notice: If Internal selected, please set the custom form field under the Custom Fields link, the client must enter cPanel username on the order page, that is also mean the client has already cPanel hosting account on the server. This option will not setup cPanel account! It will setup only radio under the provided cpanel user account.\\\"),

 \\\"Max Listeners Limit\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"text\\\", \\\"Size\\\" => \\\"5\\\", ),

 \\\"Max BitRate Limit\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"dropdown\\\", \\\"Options\\\" => \\\"64,128,24,34,48,96\\\"),

 \\\"AutoDJ Feature\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"yesno\\\", \\\"Description\\\" => \\\"If yes, the user will access to AutoDJ features in their cPanel WHMSonic.\\\" ),

 \\\"Hosting Space\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"text\\\", \\\"Size\\\" => \\\"25\\\",\\\"Description\\\" => \\\"Hosting space is required by external clients only if autodj option is enabled to upload music files. Please enter a limit, ex: 100 = 100MB. Enter only numbers in this field.\\\" ),

 \\\"Bandwidth Limit\\\" => array( \\\"Type\\\" => \\\"text\\\", \\\"Size\\\" => \\\"25\\\", ),


return $configarray;


function whmsonic_CreateAccount($params) {

  // Get The Package Information

  $ctype = $params[\\\"configoption1\\\"]; // Client Type

  $listeners = $params[\\\"configoption2\\\"]; // Max Listeners Limit

  $radioip = $params[\\\"serverip\\\"];

  $bitrate = $params[\\\"configoption3\\\"]; // BitRate Limit

  $autodj = $params[\\\"configoption4\\\"]; // AutoDJ Access - on/off

  $hspace = $params[\\\"configoption5\\\"]; // Hosting Limit

  $bandwidth = $params[\\\"configoption6\\\"]; // Bandwidth Limit

  // Get The General Information

  $serverp = $params[\\\"serverpassword\\\"]; // Target Server root password

  $connection = $params[\\\"serverip\\\"];

  $auth = \\\"root:$serverp\\\";

  $orderid = $params[\\\"serviceid\\\"];

  if ($params[\\\"serversecure\\\"]==\\\"on\\\") {$serverport=\\\"2087\\\"; $ht=\\\"https\\\";} else {$serverport=\\\"2086\\\"; $ht=\\\"http\\\";} // SSL Connection fix

  // Get The Client Information

  $client_email = $params[\\\"clientsdetails\\\"][\\\"email\\\"];

  $client_name = $params[\\\"clientsdetails\\\"][\\\"firstname\\\"];

  if ($params[\\\"configoption1\\\"]==\\\"internal\\\") {

	$radiousername = $params[\\\"customfields\\\"][\\\"cpanel username\\\"];

	} else {

	// External user, create a custom WHMSonic username.

	$chars = \\\"abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\\";


  $i = 0;

  $exu = \\\'\\\' ;

  while ($i <= 4) {

  $num = rand() % 33;

  $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1);

  $exu = $exu . $tmp;


  $radiousername = \\\"sc_$exu\\\";}

// GO

// Update WHMCS db for the username, required for other actions.

$query3 = \\\"UPDATE tblhosting SET username=\\\'$radiousername\\\', password=\\\'\\\' WHERE id=\\\'\\\".$params[\\\"accountid\\\"].\\\"\\\'\\\";


// Update WHMCS db for the username, required for other actions.

$url = \\\"$ht://$connection:$serverport/whmsonic/modules/api.php?\\\";

$data = \\\"cmd=setup&ctype=$ctype&ip=$radioip&bitrate=$bitrate&autodj=$autodj&bw=$bandwidth&semail=$wemail&limit=$listeners&cemail=$client_email&cname=$client_name&rad_username=$radiousername\\\";

$ch = curl_init();


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $auth);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 59);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

$retval = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {

  $retval = \\\"CURL Error: \\\".curl_errno($ch).\\\" - \\\".curl_error($ch).\\\" - Please check the radioIP in the package module configuration and check the root password in the servers settings of WHMCS.\\\";



	if ($retval==\\\"Complete\\\") {

	$result = \\\"success\\\";

	} else {

	if (strpos($retval,\\\"Login Attempt Failed!\\\") == true) {$result = \\\"WHMSonic server($radioip) WHM root login failed! The root password is incorrect. Please check your WHMSonic server settings in the WHMCS setup menu servers link.\\\";

	} else {

	$result = \\\"$retval\\\";


	return $result;


function whmsonic_TerminateAccount($params) {

  // Details

  $connection = $params[\\\"serverip\\\"];

  $rad_username= $params[\\\"username\\\"];

  $serverp = $params[\\\"serverpassword\\\"]; // Target Server root password

  $auth = \\\"root:$serverp\\\";

  if ($params[\\\"serversecure\\\"]==\\\"on\\\") {$serverport=\\\"2087\\\"; $ht=\\\"https\\\";} else {$serverport=\\\"2086\\\"; $ht=\\\"http\\\";} // SSL Connection fix

$url = \\\"$ht://$connection:$serverport/whmsonic/modules/api.php?\\\";

$data = \\\"cmd=terminate&rad_username=$rad_username\\\";

$ch = curl_init();


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $auth);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 59);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

$retval = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {

  $retval = \\\"CURL Error: \\\".curl_errno($ch).\\\" - \\\".curl_error($ch);



	if ($retval==\\\"Complete\\\") {

		$result = \\\"success\\\";

	} else {

		$result = \\\"



	return $result;


function whmsonic_SuspendAccount($params) {

  # License Type & Client Details

  $licenseip = $params[\\\"customfields\\\"][\\\"License IP\\\"];

  $resellerusername = $params[\\\"serverusername\\\"];

  $resellerpassword = $params[\\\"serverpassword\\\"];

	# Code to perform action goes here...


function whmsonic_UnsuspendAccount($params) {

  # License Type & Client Details

  $licenseip = $params[\\\"customfields\\\"][\\\"License IP\\\"];

  $resellerusername = $params[\\\"serverusername\\\"];

  $resellerpassword = $params[\\\"serverpassword\\\"];

	# Code to perform action goes here...


function whmsonic_ClientArea($params) {

	$radioip = $params[\\\"configoption3\\\"]; // RadioIP

	$code = \\\"<form action=http://$radioip/cpanel/ method=post target=_blank><input type=hidden name=ip value=$licenseip><input type=submit value=\\\"cPanel Login\\\"></form>\\\";

	return $code;


function whmsonic_AdminLink($params) {

  $radioip = $params[\\\"configoption3\\\"]; // RadioIP

	$code = \\\"<form action=http://$radioip:2086/whmsonic/main.php method=post target=_blank><input type=hidden name=username value=\\\"\\\".$params[\\\"serverusername\\\"].\\\"\\\"><input type=hidden name=password value=\\\"\\\".$params[\\\"serverpassword\\\"].\\\"\\\"><input type=submit value=\\\"WHMSonic Root\\\"></form>\\\";

	return $code;



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Concorrente? Quem? só rindo!

Po man, voce esta parecendo o Webomega indo postar no post da concorrencia. O Webomega foi veemente condenado por essa prática e voce continua queimando seu filme ao:

Esqueci de comentar algo, módulo é aberto e permite criar/suspender/tirar suspensão e etc...

Que nada mais é do que um ataque direto á:

Ele trás as funcionalidades de criar/terminar, suspender/ativar web radios do WHMSonic automáticamente!

Já esta provado que o módulo dele é superior e tem outras funcionalidades que o Free apresentado não tem. Pare com isso Man, se voce esta se sentindo ameaçado, faça uma campanha de marketing mais agressiva. Não tente desmoralizar o serviço de outrem nas palavras, pq no final das contas voce é que fica mais visto.

Até agora, com sua intromissão no tópico, você só fez o seu concorrente(Joao) crescer na visao de todos e você diminuir. Se ele consegue oferecer um produto tao bom quanto o teu e sem essa baixaria, ponto para ele.

Agora, nao se acostume com a mordomia de nunca ter concorrentes, pq já tem gente aqui no Brasil fazendo integraçoes para Hostbill, conforme estava ontem na lista Java do Google, e já temos o Valdecir com o clienteexec. Ou seja, em pouco tempo a comercializaçao de WHMCS vai ter uma queda grande face a concorrencia. Se eu fosse voce estaria pensando em como nao deixar isso acontecer, se é que voce vive disso e se importa com isso.

Resposta dura, porém merecida.


Joao Paulo

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