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Tawk.to remoção de marca


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Thanks for your interest to White Label & Rebrand tawk.to widgets & emails.

This feature is now available in the dashboard.

Here's how it works :

The Remove Branding add-on allows you to remove and customize the "powered by tawk.to" link from the bottom of the Widget & Support Emails as well as use your own domain for sending out emails. 

This is the list of Features:

  • Remove and/or Customize branding on the widget
  • Remove and/or Customize branding in ticketing emails and chat transcripts
  • Setup a custom support email address
  • Use your own domain to communicate with your Visitors via email

To activate this new add-on:

  1. Login to the dashboard.
  2. Go to Admin at the top of the dashboard. 
  3. Choose the property you wish to remove the tawk.to branding from. 
  4. You will see a new link under property settings for Add-Ons. Click Add-Ons. 
  5. Select the "Remove Branding" option.
  6. On the right select a package.
    • $9.00/month (paid annually)
    • $15.00/month (paid monthly)
  7. Enter your payment details. 
  8. Click the green Activate Now button. 
  9. Next go to settings at the top right and change the branding to your own brand!

To change branding settings or to set up SPF/DKIM, just go to the settings for the Remove Branding add-on.

We hope you like the new feature, if you have any feedback please do let us know.


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5 horas atrás, Fabio S Araujo disse:

Deixa o Dollar recuar que vou contratar, assim acredito que ajudo a manterem o programa free.

Acredito que existirá no futuro outras formas de monetização (novos recursos, suporte diferenciado e etc... )

Outras formas de monetização http://prntscr.com/dda0zy

Achei interessante o screensharing

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44 minutos atrás, Joel Emanoel disse:

Sim, irei utilizar o Tawk.to e pagar os $9 anuais, assim ajuda a manter o projeto.

São $9 / Mensal em pagamento anual $108 / Anual

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