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Hi there,

At this time connectivity has been restored to our NYC2 data center. We greatly appreciate your patience during this issue.

While we're still investigating the full root-cause of the issue, we believe that it was a routing engine failure in our core switching infrastructure. We quickly dispatched our networking and site reliability team members to work on the issue, along with engaging our vendors to help resolve the issue.

We will be providing a full root-cause analysis and providing detail to you over the next few days. We understand that there was likely an interruption to your business, and we apologize for that. We will provide SLA credit for the downtime that you have experienced. The notification will come in the future as a follow up email from our team.

Again, we sincerely apologize for this service interruption. We're working hard and doing everything possible to improve our infrastructure for the future.

Thank you,
Director of Support

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O Henrique chegou antes de mim e avisou certo.


Tinha um aviso no painel da DO dizendo que o DC de NY2 estava meio instável e que depois iam fazer algo tipo manutenção. Tanto é que devolveram o crédito do tempo em que ficou offline.

'Cause he's my best friend, he's my pal. He's my homeboy, my rotten soldier. He's my sweet cheese. My good-time boy.

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