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Tradução Admin Whmcs 5.1.2 - Linhas Novas

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Olá pessoal, pelo o que pude observar rapidamente, foram adicionadas as seguintes linhas nesta nova atualização 5.1.2 para o painel administrativo:

# Global

$_ADMINLANG['global']['view'] = "View";

$_ADMINLANG['global']['attentionitems'] = "Attention Items";

# Client Summary

$_ADMINLANG['clientsummary']['stickynotescheck'] = "Make Sticky (Important)";

# Orders

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromo'] = "Create Custom Promo";

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromoinfo'] = "Promotional Discounts created \"on the fly\" here apply to all items in an order";

# Setup

$_ADMINLANG['setup']['orderstatuses'] = "Order Statuses";

# Fields

$_ADMINLANG['fields']['lineitem'] = "Line Item Description";

# Backups

$_ADMINLANG['backups']['ftppassivemode'] = "FTP Passive Mode";

# Reports

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['description'] = "The reports below provide both data analysis and in many cases graphical insights into the data held in the system. You can also create your own reports should you have custom needs. Click the Help icon for more details.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexports'] = "CSV Exports";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexportsdesc'] = "Export and download your data for use in other applications.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['nodata'] = "No Data Found For This Report";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['generatedon'] = "Report Generated on";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['tools'] = "Tools";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['exportcsv'] = "Export to CSV";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['printableversion'] = "View Printable Version";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['closewindow'] = "Close Window";

# Filters

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['from'] = "From";

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['to'] = "To";


$_ADMINLANG['whois']['title'] = "Domain WHOIS Lookup";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['invalidtld'] = "WHOIS Lookups cannot be performed for the TLD %s";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['available'] = "The domain %s is available for registration";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['error'] = "There was a problem connecting to the domain registry. Please check port 43 is open in your servers firewall.";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['unavailable'] = "The domain %s is already registered";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['whois'] = "WHOIS Output";

# Config Order Statuses

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Here you can define the order statuses you wish to use. The 4 default statuses Pending, Active, Fraud and Cancelled cannot be deleted or renamed.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addnew'] = "Add New Order Status";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edit'] = "Edit Order Status";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addtitle'] = "Status Added Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['adddesc'] = "The new order status has now been added";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edittitle'] = "Status Updated Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['editdesc'] = "The order status has been updated";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deltitle'] = "Status Deleted Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deldesc'] = "The order status has now been removed and all tickets using it switched to Cancelled";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['delsure'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this order status? Doing so will change all orders assigned to this status to Cancelled.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['color'] = "Status Color";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinpending'] = "Include in Pending";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinactive'] = "Include in Active";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeincancelled'] = "Include in Cancelled";# Global

$_ADMINLANG['global']['view'] = "View";

$_ADMINLANG['global']['attentionitems'] = "Attention Items";

# Client Summary

$_ADMINLANG['clientsummary']['stickynotescheck'] = "Make Sticky (Important)";

# Orders

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromo'] = "Create Custom Promo";

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromoinfo'] = "Promotional Discounts created \"on the fly\" here apply to all items in an order";

# Setup

$_ADMINLANG['setup']['orderstatuses'] = "Order Statuses";

# Fields

$_ADMINLANG['fields']['lineitem'] = "Line Item Description";

# Backups

$_ADMINLANG['backups']['ftppassivemode'] = "FTP Passive Mode";

# Reports

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['description'] = "The reports below provide both data analysis and in many cases graphical insights into the data held in the system. You can also create your own reports should you have custom needs. Click the Help icon for more details.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexports'] = "CSV Exports";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexportsdesc'] = "Export and download your data for use in other applications.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['nodata'] = "No Data Found For This Report";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['generatedon'] = "Report Generated on";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['tools'] = "Tools";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['exportcsv'] = "Export to CSV";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['printableversion'] = "View Printable Version";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['closewindow'] = "Close Window";

# Filters

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['from'] = "From";

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['to'] = "To";


$_ADMINLANG['whois']['title'] = "Domain WHOIS Lookup";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['invalidtld'] = "WHOIS Lookups cannot be performed for the TLD %s";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['available'] = "The domain %s is available for registration";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['error'] = "There was a problem connecting to the domain registry. Please check port 43 is open in your servers firewall.";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['unavailable'] = "The domain %s is already registered";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['whois'] = "WHOIS Output";

# Config Order Statuses

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Here you can define the order statuses you wish to use. The 4 default statuses Pending, Active, Fraud and Cancelled cannot be deleted or renamed.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addnew'] = "Add New Order Status";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edit'] = "Edit Order Status";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addtitle'] = "Status Added Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['adddesc'] = "The new order status has now been added";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edittitle'] = "Status Updated Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['editdesc'] = "The order status has been updated";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deltitle'] = "Status Deleted Successfully";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deldesc'] = "The order status has now been removed and all tickets using it switched to Cancelled";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['delsure'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this order status? Doing so will change all orders assigned to this status to Cancelled.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['color'] = "Status Color";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinpending'] = "Include in Pending";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinactive'] = "Include in Active";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeincancelled'] = "Include in Cancelled";

Amanhã vou olhar com mais calma e traduzir, se alguém quiser ir traduzindo ja ta meio caminho andado :D

Boa noite e até logo ...

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# Global

$_ADMINLANG['global']['view'] = "Visualizar";

$_ADMINLANG['global']['attentionitems'] = "Itens de Atenção";

# Client Summary

$_ADMINLANG['clientsummary']['stickynotescheck'] = "Tornar Fixo (Importante)";

# Orders

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromo'] = "Criar uma Promoção Customizada";

$_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromoinfo'] = "Descontos Promocionais criados aqui, são aplicados em todos os ítens da compra.";

# Setup

$_ADMINLANG['setup']['orderstatuses'] = "Status do Pedido";

# Fields

$_ADMINLANG['fields']['lineitem'] = "Descrição do Item";

# Backups

$_ADMINLANG['backups']['ftppassivemode'] = "FTP Modo Passivo";

# Reports

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['description'] = "Os relatórios abaixo fornecem tanto a análise de dados e, em muitos casos percepções gráficas para os dados contidos no sistema. Você também pode criar seus próprios relatórios personalizados. Clique no ícone Ajuda para obter mais detalhes";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexports'] = "Exportação de Dados (CSV)";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexportsdesc'] = "Exporte e efetue o download de seus dados para uso em outras aplicações.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['nodata'] = "Nenhum dado encontrado para este relatório.";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['generatedon'] = "Geração de Relatórios Ativada";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['tools'] = "Ferramentas";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['exportcsv'] = "Exportar para CSV";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['printableversion'] = "Versão para Impressão";

$_ADMINLANG['reports']['closewindow'] = "Fechar Janela";

# Filters

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['from'] = "De";

$_ADMINLANG['filters']['to'] = "Para";


$_ADMINLANG['whois']['title'] = "Disponibilidade de Domínios";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['invalidtld'] = "Consultas de WHOIS não podem ser efetuadas para o TLD %s";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['available'] = "O domínio %s está livre para registro";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['error'] = "Houve um problema na tentativa de conectar a operadora de registro de domínios. Verifique se a porta 43 está aberta no firewall de seu servidor.";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['unavailable'] = "O domínio %s já foi registrado";

$_ADMINLANG['whois']['whois'] = "Resultado do WHOIS";

# Config Order Statuses

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Aqui, você pode definir os status dos pedidos que deseja utilizar. Os 4 status predefinidos são, Pendente, Ativo, Fraude e Cancelado que não podem ser deletados ou renomeados.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addnew'] = "Adicionar Status de Pedido";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edit'] = "Editar Status de Pedido";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addtitle'] = "Status Adicionado com Sucesso";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['adddesc'] = "O novo status de pedido já está disponível";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edittitle'] = "Status Atualizado com Sucesso";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['editdesc'] = "O status do pedido foi atualizado";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deltitle'] = "Status Removido com Sucesso";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deldesc'] = "O status do pedido foi removido e todos os tickets utilizando este serão alterados para cancelado.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['delsure'] = "Você tem certeza que quer remover este status de pedido? Fazendo isto, irá mudar todos os pedidos atrelados a este para Cancelado.";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['color'] = "Cor do Status";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinpending'] = "Incluir nos Pendentes";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinactive'] = "Incluir nos Ativos";

$_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeincancelled'] = "Incluir nos Cancelados";# Global

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Olá pessoal, pelo o que pude observar rapidamente, foram adicionadas as seguintes linhas nesta nova atualização 5.1.2 para o painel administrativo:

Recebi da WHMCS.com o arquivo V5.1 Admin Lang Changes.txt informando o número/linha adicionada, segue abaixo:


> $_ADMINLANG['global']['save'] = "Save";


> $_ADMINLANG['global']['deleteconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?";


> $_ADMINLANG['global']['view'] = "View";

> $_ADMINLANG['global']['attentionitems'] = "Attention Items";


> $_ADMINLANG['clients']['ccstoredremotely'] = "* Only the last 4 digits of the credit card are stored locally since a token based remote storage module is being used.";


> $_ADMINLANG['clientsummary']['stickynotescheck'] = "Make Sticky (Important)";


< $_ADMINLANG['services']['moveservice'] = "Move Product/Service to Another Client";


> $_ADMINLANG['services']['moveservice'] = "Move Product/Service";


< $_ADMINLANG['services']['createupgorder'] = "Create Upgrade/Downgrade Order";


> $_ADMINLANG['services']['createupgorder'] = "Upgrade/Downgrade";


< $_ADMINLANG['domains']['emailforwarding'] = "Email Fowarding";


> $_ADMINLANG['domains']['emailforwarding'] = "Email Forwarding";



> $_ADMINLANG['domains']['duplicatetld'] = "Duplicate TLD";

> $_ADMINLANG['domains']['selecttldtoduplicate'] = "Select a TLD to duplicate";

> $_ADMINLANG['domains']['sourcenewtldempty'] = "Source TLD and New TLD should not be empty";



> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['acceptconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to approve the selected orders?";


> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['cancelconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to cancel the selected orders?";


> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['deleteconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected orders?";


< $_ADMINLANG['orders']['noselections'] = "The order cannot be placed as you have not yet chosen a product and/or domain registration to add";


> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['noselections'] = "An order cannot be created because no products or domain registration items have been selected";


> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromo'] = "Create Custom Promo";

> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['createpromoinfo'] = "Promotional Discounts created \"on the fly\" here apply to all items in an order";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['markpaidconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to mark these invoices paid?";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['markunpaidconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to set these invoices back to unpaid?";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['markcancelledconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to cancel these invoices?";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['sendreminderconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to send payment reminders for the selected invoices?";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['initiatepayment'] = "Initiate Payment";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['initiatepaymentsuccessful'] = "Payment Initiation Successful";

> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['initiatepaymentsuccessfulmsg'] = "The payment process for this invoice was successfully initiated";


< $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['captureerrormsg'] = "The capture was not successful. Check the gateway log for the full response.";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['captureerrormsg'] = "The capture was not successful. Please check the gateway log for more details.";

> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['initiatepaymenterror'] = "Payment Initiation Failed";

> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['initiatepaymenterrormsg'] = "The payment initiation did not complete successfully. Please check the gateway log for more details.";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['mergeconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to merge the selected invoices?";


> $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['masspayconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to generate a mass pay invoice for the selected invoices?";


> $_ADMINLANG['billableitems']['invoicenextcronrunconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to set these items to invoice in the next cron run?";


> $_ADMINLANG['support']['expand'] = "Expand +";


< $_ADMINLANG['support']['anystatus'] = "Any Status";

< $_ADMINLANG['support']['anydepartment'] = "Any Department";


> $_ADMINLANG['support']['user'] = "User";


> $_ADMINLANG['support']['ticketlog'] = "Log";

> $_ADMINLANG['support']['clienttickets'] = "Other Tickets";

> $_ADMINLANG['support']['clientlog'] = "Client Log";


< $_ADMINLANG['support']['ccrecepients'] = "CC Recepients";


> $_ADMINLANG['support']['ccrecipients'] = "CC Recipients";


< $_ADMINLANG['networkissues']['addnew'] = "Add New";


> $_ADMINLANG['networkissues']['addnew'] = "Create New";


> $_ADMINLANG['affiliates']['initiallythen'] = "Initially then";


> $_ADMINLANG['setup']['orderstatuses'] = "Order Statuses";


> $_ADMINLANG['fields']['gatewayid'] = "Remote Gateway Token";


> $_ADMINLANG['fields']['lineitem'] = "Line Item Description";


> $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['123'] = "Attempts CC Captures";


< $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['14'] = "Perform Server Operations";


> $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['14'] = "Perform Module Command Operations";


> $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['124'] = "Generate Due Invoices";


> $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['121'] = "Access All Tickets Directly";


> $_ADMINLANG['permissions']['122'] = "Configure Order Statuses";


> $_ADMINLANG['addonmodules']['config'] = "Configure";


< $_ADMINLANG['transactions']['commaseparated'] = "Comma seperated";


> $_ADMINLANG['transactions']['commaseparated'] = "Comma Separated";


> $_ADMINLANG['products']['retired'] = "Retired";

> $_ADMINLANG['products']['retireddesc'] = "Tick to hide from admin area product dropdown menus (does not apply to services already with this product)";


< $_ADMINLANG['products']['softdisklimit'] = "Soft Disk Limit";

< $_ADMINLANG['products']['softbwlimit'] = "Soft Bandwidth Limit";

< $_ADMINLANG['products']['diskoveragescost'] = "Disk Overages Cost";

< $_ADMINLANG['products']['bwoveragescost'] = "Bandwidth Overages Cost";


> $_ADMINLANG['products']['overagediskusage'] = "Disk Usage";

> $_ADMINLANG['products']['overagebandwidth'] = "Bandwidth";

> $_ADMINLANG['products']['overagesoftlimits'] = "Soft Limits";

> $_ADMINLANG['products']['overagecosts'] = "Overage Costs";

> $_ADMINLANG['products']['priceperunit'] = "Price Per Unit Over Above";


< $_ADMINLANG['products']['pricepermb'] = "Price Per MB";


> $_ADMINLANG['backups']['ftppassivemode'] = "FTP Passive Mode";


> $_ADMINLANG['customfields']['typelink'] = "Link/URL";


> $_ADMINLANG['mergefields']['canceltype'] = "Cancellation Type";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['maintmodeurl'] = "Maintenance Mode Redirect URL";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['maintmodeurlinfo'] = "If specified, redirects client area visitors to this URL when Maintenance Mode is enabled";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncenabled'] = "Domain Sync Enabled";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncenabledinfo'] = "Tick this box to enable automated domain syncing with supported registrars via cron";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncnextduedate'] = "Sync Next Due Date";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncnextduedateinfo'] = "Enable - Number of Days to Set Due Date in Advance of Expiry:";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncnotifyonly'] = "Domain Sync Notify Only";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['domainsyncnotifyonlyinfo'] = "Tick this box to not auto update any domain dates - just send email notification to admins";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['ticketmask'] = "Support Ticket Mask Format";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['ticketmaskinfo'] = "Key: %A - Uppercase letter | %a - Lowercase letter | %n - Number | %y - Year | %m - Month | %d - Day | %i - Ticket ID";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['affdepartment'] = "Payout Request Department";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['affdepartmentinfo'] = "Select the support department to use for affiliate withdrawal requests";


< $_ADMINLANG['general']['allowccdelete'] = "Allow Customers CC Delete";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['allowccdelete'] = "Allow Client CC Removal";


> $_ADMINLANG['general']['profileoptionalfields'] = "Optional Client Profile Fields";

> $_ADMINLANG['general']['profileoptionalfieldsinfo'] = "Tick any of the fields below to make them optional at signup time";


< $_ADMINLANG['taxconfig']['taxappliesspecificstate'] = "Apply to Specific State:";

< $_ADMINLANG['taxconfig']['taxappliesspecificcountry'] = "Apply to Specific Country:";


> $_ADMINLANG['taxconfig']['taxappliesspecificstate'] = "Apply to Specific State";

> $_ADMINLANG['taxconfig']['taxappliesspecificcountry'] = "Apply to Specific Country";


> $_ADMINLANG['taxconfig']['taxvalidationerrorcountry'] = "A country must also be selected for a state specific tax rule";


< $_ADMINLANG['ticketstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Here you can define the ticket statuses that your WHMCS system will show. The 4 default statuses Open, Answered, Customer-Reply and Closed cannot be deleted or renamed.";


> $_ADMINLANG['ticketstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Here you can define the ticket statuses that you wish to have available in support tickets. The 4 default statuses Open, Answered, Customer-Reply and Closed cannot be deleted or renamed.";

> $_ADMINLANG['ticketstatusconfig']['add'] = "Add Ticket Status";

> $_ADMINLANG['ticketstatusconfig']['edit'] = "Edit Ticket Status";


< $_ADMINLANG['promos']['info'] = "Promotions allow you to offer your clients discounts and incentives for placing new orders and/or upgrading.";

< $_ADMINLANG['promos']['addnew'] = "Add New";


> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['activepromos'] = "Active Promotions";

> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['expiredpromos'] = "Expired Promotions";

> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['allpromos'] = "All Promotions";


< $_ADMINLANG['promos']['duplicatepromo'] = "Duplicate Promotion";


> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['duplicatepromo'] = "Duplicate";


< $_ADMINLANG['promos']['addpromo'] = "Add Promotion";


> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['createpromo'] = "Create New Promotion";

> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['autogencode'] = "Auto Generate Code";


> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['lifetimepromo'] = "Lifetime Promotion";

> $_ADMINLANG['promos']['lifetimepromodesc'] = "Discounted pricing is applied even on upgrade and downgrade orders in the future regardless of settings like max uses, expiry, etc;";


> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['moduleactivated'] = "Registrar Module Activated";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['moduleactivatedinfo'] = "The selected registrar was activated successfully. You may now configure it below.";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['moduledeactivated'] = "Registrar Module Deactivated";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['moduledeactivatedinfo'] = "The selected registrar was deactivated successfully.";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['deactivatesure'] = "Are you sure you want to deactivate this registrar module?";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['changesuccess'] = "Changes Saved Successfully!";

> $_ADMINLANG['domainregistrars']['changesuccessinfo'] = "The changes you made have been saved successfully";



> # Filters

> $_ADMINLANG['filters']['from'] = "From";

> $_ADMINLANG['filters']['to'] = "To";


> # Reports

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['title'] = "Reports";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['description'] = "The reports below provide both data analysis and in many cases graphical insights into the data held in the system. You can also create your own reports should you have custom needs. Click the Help icon for more details.";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexports'] = "CSV Exports";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['csvexportsdesc'] = "Export and download your data for use in other applications.";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['nodata'] = "No Data Found For This Report";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['generatedon'] = "Report Generated on";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['tools'] = "Tools";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['exportcsv'] = "Export to CSV";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['printableversion'] = "View Printable Version";

> $_ADMINLANG['reports']['closewindow'] = "Close Window";



> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['title'] = "Domain WHOIS Lookup";

> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['invalidtld'] = "WHOIS Lookups cannot be performed for the TLD %s";

> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['available'] = "The domain %s is available for registration";

> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['error'] = "There was a problem connecting to the domain registry. Please check port 43 is open in your servers firewall.";

> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['unavailable'] = "The domain %s is already registered";

> $_ADMINLANG['whois']['whois'] = "WHOIS Output";


> # Config Order Statuses

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['pagedesc'] = "Here you can define the order statuses you wish to use. The 4 default statuses Pending, Active, Fraud and Cancelled cannot be deleted or renamed.";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addnew'] = "Add New Order Status";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edit'] = "Edit Order Status";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['addtitle'] = "Status Added Successfully";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['adddesc'] = "The new order status has now been added";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['edittitle'] = "Status Updated Successfully";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['editdesc'] = "The order status has been updated";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deltitle'] = "Status Deleted Successfully";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['deldesc'] = "The order status has now been removed and all tickets using it switched to Cancelled";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['delsure'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this order status? Doing so will change all orders assigned to this status to Cancelled.";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['color'] = "Status Color";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinpending'] = "Include in Pending";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeinactive'] = "Include in Active";

> $_ADMINLANG['orderstatusconfig']['includeincancelled'] = "Include in Cancelled";

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Então são 151 linhas de tradução :)

Na verdade são 127 linhas!

As linhas com < significa que foram "retiradas/substituídas":


< $_ADMINLANG['orders']['noselections'] = "The order cannot be placed as you have not yet chosen a product and/or domain registration to add";


> $_ADMINLANG['orders']['noselections'] = "An order cannot be created because no products or domain registration items have been selected";

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Oi galera!! Conforme sugeri no post anterior... estou compartilhando um arquivo de tradução do WHMCS 5.1.2 - Painel Admin.

Coloquei as traduções enviadas por Jordan Miguel e acrescentei outras... Mas ainda falta traduzir alguns trechos, segue abaixo as principais linhas :






2182 a 2337

2482 a 2692

Link para download: http://painel.visnet...php?type=d&id=1

Quem se habilita a completar? :D :D

Grande abraço!!

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Oi galera!! Conforme sugeri no post anterior... estou compartilhando um arquivo de tradução do WHMCS 5.1.2 - Painel Admin.

Coloquei as traduções enviadas por Jordan Miguel e acrescentei outras... Mas ainda falta traduzir alguns trechos, segue abaixo as principais linhas :






2182 a 2337

2482 a 2692

Link para download: http://painel.visnet...php?type=d&id=1

Quem se habilita a completar? :D :D

Grande abraço!!

Vou terminar ela e posto aqui :)

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