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Ovh canadá, com problema na rota com o brasil. alguém está passando por isso?


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Hello, Thank you for contacting OVH regarding the network connection issues. We would need to make a few verifications on the network side of things. High latency, packet loss or speed issues may all quickly be diagnosed with a few tests that will help us pinpoint the issue, or rule out some other hypothetical causes for the problem. If you are using Linux, they can be done through the terminal directly. If you’re using Windows, you can do the same tests once your server has been booted in Rescue Mode Pro. This will rule out disturbances from other processes that would normally use bandwidth. The results of the following tests is what we will need: -Results of a ping on your server. -Results of a traceroute (with MTR or WinMTR) from your local host to your server. -Results of a traceroute (with MTR or WinMTR) from your server to your local host. -date && iperf -c -P 5 -r You can send us the results of the following command lines as well (or the files that the command lines will create): top -bn 1 > top.txt netstat -tunp > netstat.txt

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36 minutos atrás, MMHospedagem disse:

segue o que me repassaram no chamado que abri!


Hello, Thank you for contacting OVH regarding the network connection issues. We would need to make a few verifications on the network side of things. High latency, packet loss or speed issues may all quickly be diagnosed with a few tests that will help us pinpoint the issue, or rule out some other hypothetical causes for the problem. If you are using Linux, they can be done through the terminal directly. If you’re using Windows, you can do the same tests once your server has been booted in Rescue Mode Pro. This will rule out disturbances from other processes that would normally use bandwidth. The results of the following tests is what we will need: -Results of a ping on your server. -Results of a traceroute (with MTR or WinMTR) from your local host to your server. -Results of a traceroute (with MTR or WinMTR) from your server to your local host. -date && iperf -c -P 5 -r You can send us the results of the following command lines as well (or the files that the command lines will create): top -bn 1 > top.txt netstat -tunp > netstat.txt

Nem se empolgue, isso é de praxe, eles vão te dar essa mesma resposta, nunca me deram uma diferente, mesmo sabendo que o erro está em uma rota que perde 40%.

A resposta deles depois desses testes será essa ( provavelmente ):


The results of the tests indicated you have roughly 1Gbps download and upload
speed on your server.

The only issue I see is packet loss on the host xxx. There
is no packet loss on your dedicated server itself.

I would advise you to contact the ISP which manages xxx
and ask them to resolve the issue on their network.

For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us through a
support ticket or through our toll-free line at 1-855-684-5463. We’re here
24/7 to help you!

We thank you again for choosing OVH,

Customer Advocate
Make sure to visit our FAQ: [1]
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Tenho parte da minha infra na OVH, não tive problemas com nenhum servidor, inclusive fiquei trabalhando em um servidor ontem das 19:00 as 01:00, sem nenhum problema.

Pode ter sido problema em alguma rede específica.

Gerenciamento e otimização de servidores: Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, AlmaLinux, Cpanel e VestaCP.
Cloud otimizado e otimização para: Wordpress.
Virtualização: Implementação e gerenciamento Virtualizor, Proxmox, Openstack e VMware.

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Pô, eu estava na Hetzner e mudei 10 dedicados pra OVH pra melhorar conectividade, e fiquei na mão.

Podem me ajudar com a indicação de algum Datacenter com suporte profissional, hardware replace rápido e sem esses problemas rotineiros de rota?

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8 minutos atrás, matt disse:

Pô, eu estava na Hetzner e mudei 10 dedicados pra OVH pra melhorar conectividade, e fiquei na mão.

Podem me ajudar com a indicação de algum Datacenter com suporte profissional, hardware replace rápido e sem esses problemas rotineiros de rota?

Não é rotineiro, não me recordo a última vez, talvez em 2015.

Mas você pode tentar a softlayer

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