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Counter-Strike Vps


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então eu faço igual no Topico do LH.. mais não baixa o HLDS.. repito o comando 

./steam -command update -game "valve" -dir /usr/games/cs

e aparece isso

Checking bootstrapper version ...
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1128 with name 0eBlobRegistryMutex_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1128 with name 0eBlobRegistrySignal_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
Updating Installation
Determining which depot(s) to install/update...
2 depot(s) will be installed/updated
  0:01 No installation record found at /usr/games/cs
  0:01 Checking local files and building download list for depot 4 'Linux Server Engine' version 74
  0:01     Connecting content server session for version 74
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  0:36 Checking local files and building download list for depot 4 'Linux Server Engine' version 74
  0:36     Connecting content server session for version 74
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  1:16 No installation record found at /usr/games/cs
  1:16 Checking local files and building download list for depot 1 'Half-Life' version 12
  1:16     Connecting content server session for version 12
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  1:50 Checking local files and building download list for depot 1 'Half-Life' version 12
  1:50     Connecting content server session for version 12
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .

ai uso o 

./steam -command update -game "cstrike" -dir /usr/games/cs

 e aparece isso 

Checking bootstrapper version ...
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1134 with name 0eBlobRegistryMutex_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1134 with name 0eBlobRegistrySignal_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
Updating Installation
Determining which depot(s) to install/update...
** 'game' options for Source DS Install:


** 'game' options for HL1 DS Install:


** 'game' options for Third-Party game servers:

HLDS installation up to date

e não passa dai

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então eu faço igual no Topico do LH.. mais não baixa o HLDS.. repito o comando 

./steam -command update -game "valve" -dir /usr/games/cs

e aparece isso

Checking bootstrapper version ...
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1128 with name 0eBlobRegistryMutex_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1128 with name 0eBlobRegistrySignal_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
Updating Installation
Determining which depot(s) to install/update...
2 depot(s) will be installed/updated
  0:01 No installation record found at /usr/games/cs
  0:01 Checking local files and building download list for depot 4 'Linux Server Engine' version 74
  0:01     Connecting content server session for version 74
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  0:36 Checking local files and building download list for depot 4 'Linux Server Engine' version 74
  0:36     Connecting content server session for version 74
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  1:16 No installation record found at /usr/games/cs
  1:16 Checking local files and building download list for depot 1 'Half-Life' version 12
  1:16     Connecting content server session for version 12
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  1:50 Checking local files and building download list for depot 1 'Half-Life' version 12
  1:50     Connecting content server session for version 12
Retrying in 30 seconds. . .

ai uso o 

./steam -command update -game "cstrike" -dir /usr/games/cs

 e aparece isso 

Checking bootstrapper version ...
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1134 with name 0eBlobRegistryMutex_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
removing stale semaphore last operated on by process 1134 with name 0eBlobRegistrySignal_07692C9F0DCCAB9B49E0AA2095A1952C
Updating Installation
Determining which depot(s) to install/update...
** 'game' options for Source DS Install:


** 'game' options for HL1 DS Install:


** 'game' options for Third-Party game servers:

HLDS installation up to date

e não passa dai

Cara, tive muitos problemas na tentativa de instalação do hlsdsupdatetool, com o SteaCMD eu consegui depois de muitos pesquisar.


Segue um tutorial: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD


Só uma pergunta, onde está hospedando ?


Abraços e boa sorte.

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