KS Byte Hosting Postado Maio 26, 2024 Postado Maio 26, 2024 Estamos sem acesso a rede aqui, mais alguém? @HIVELOCITYparece ter sido afetada também Feliz Domingão pra todos. 0 Citar
HIVELOCITY Postado Maio 26, 2024 Postado Maio 26, 2024 2 minutos atrás, KS Byte Hosting disse: We don't have access to the network here, anyone else?@HIVELOCITYseems to have been affected too Happy Sunday to everyone. Prime, our facility operator in Dallas where our DAL1 data center is located, experienced a power outage this morning impacting the entire building. Hivelocity's servers, along with many other providers, lost power at roughly 6:30am EST. I am happy to report that power is slowly being restored to our servers over the last 30 minutes or so. Please open a support ticket if you require our assistance and please accept my apologies for this interruption to your service with us. 1 Citar
KS Byte Hosting Postado Maio 26, 2024 Autor Postado Maio 26, 2024 Agora, HIVELOCITY disse: Prime, our facility operator in Dallas where our DAL1 data center is located, experienced a power outage this morning impacting the entire building. Hivelocity's servers, along with many other providers, lost power at roughly 6:30am EST. I am happy to report that power is slowly being restored to our servers over the last 30 minutes or so. Please open a support ticket if you require our assistance and please accept my apologies for this interruption to your service with us. Sure we following since 8:29 on X and I they says exactly this thank you. Now just wait to be restored. 0 Citar
chuvadenovembro Postado Maio 29, 2024 Postado Maio 29, 2024 Eu vi esse ticket esses dias e hoje recebi um email do webhostingtalk com o seguinte texto Citar Sunday saw massive storms and tornadoes hitting Texas, sadly resulting in a number of fatalities and causing large scale damage and power outages. The Prime/Carrier1/Evocative datacenter at 1515 Round Table was badly affected when, it appears from reports so far, automatic transfer switches failed to successfully transfer power to UPS and generators causing a total power blackout. Many providers were affected including (and this is by no means a full list) Cogent, Webhostpython, VersaWeb, HiVelocity, tier.net, TailorMadeServers, Psychz, HostUS, ExonHost, TotalChoice, Hostrush, Servercheap, and more. It appears that a number services are still being restored and, hopefully, RFOs will be available soon to explain how the failover systems didn't take over when needed. Were you affected? Citar No domingo, grandes tempestades e tornados atingiram o Texas, resultando infelizmente em uma série de mortes e causando danos em grande escala e cortes de energia. O datacenter Prime/Carrier1/Evocative em 1515 Round Table foi gravemente afetado quando, segundo os relatórios até agora, os interruptores de transferência automática não conseguiram transferir energia para UPS e geradores, causando um apagão total de energia. Muitos provedores foram afetados, incluindo (e esta não é uma lista completa) Cogent, Webhostpython, VersaWeb, HiVelocity, tier.net, TailorMadeServers, Psychz, HostUS, ExonHost, TotalChoice, Hostrush, Servercheap e muito mais. Parece que vários serviços ainda estão sendo restaurados e, esperançosamente, as RFOs estarão disponíveis em breve para explicar como os sistemas de failover não assumiram o controle quando necessário. Você foi afetado? Confesso que não sabia que a situação por lá estava nessa pegada... 2 Citar █ AtarWeb.com.br • Hospedagem de Site + SSL Grátis █ Revenda de Hospedagem DirectAdmin SSD + SSL Grátis
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