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[Correção] Annual Income Report

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Olá pessoal,


Para quem também está com o seguinte erro:






Em relatórios > annual income report





A já disponibilizou a correção para o mesmo:




Hello Enio,

This error relates to an update to the Google Charts API on November 26th, which is exactly when this issue started. The update details can be seen here:

It appears that their API is no longer accepting integer values for graph data set labels, it has to be a string. Viewing their changelogs, there was no intentional change made for this so it looks like it is a bug in their new update.

A hot-fix is now available for this, for more information please see
To apply the fix, download the zip file attached and upload the file contained within it to the /includes/ folder of your WHMCS installation.

If you have any further questions or concerns, just let us know.



WHMCS Customer Support




Simplificando, baixe o arquivo em anexo, extraia em seu computador e envie o aquivo ''reportfunctions.php'' para o diretório /includes da sua instalação WHMCS e estará resolvido.

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