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Ddos budgetvm

Andre Soares

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Boa tarde pessoal, estou com meu servidor na Budget fora do ar, não entendi direito a msg do suporte de lá, estou tomando um ddos e serei punido por isso? Minha proteção contratada é 1 Gbps / 500K PPS.

I regret to inform you that we have received an abuse complaint regarding your service 113967 - xx.xx.xxx.xx. This violates our Acceptable Use Policy/Terms Of Service which can be found here https://www.budgetvm.com/legal.php . After investigation we have deemed this report to be by a credible, reputable source and require your immediate attention.
Our policies require us to suspend your service and to hear back from you within 7 business days or face termination.
The initial complaint is below.  We will await your response indicating that you have either complied with the order, dispute it, or request a reasonable extension of time to resolve the issue.

Inbound DDoS
800Mbit - 200K pkts/s

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@Andre Soares se você paga 1gbit de volumetria e 500k pps, então o ataque está menor do que a proteção contratada e não há motivo deste ABUSE informado por eles.

Mas os planos de vps deles todos possuem apenas 250Mbps/250K pps, então confirme se você tem de fato a proteção adicional contratada, que custaria = US$ 5 por mês.

Se você está recebendo um ataque maior do que o contratado, eles podem sim suspender seu serviço e encerrar a conta (está no contrato deles / TOS).

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Hello, I have DDOS Protection: 1 Gbps / 500K PPS, I urgently need my server back. Thanks André Soares

Ai eles respondem:
Hello, The last attack was 800Mbit - 200K pkts/s, the reason your server was nullrouted is due to the attack that happened right before the last attack which peaked at 1.2Gbps / 300K pkts/s.

Só sentar e chorar mesmo, já to migrando tudo pra LoopHost com o Rodrigo.


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