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  1. Olá amigos, estou vendendo um datacenter dedicado no Brasil em São Paulo comprado da empresa hinetworks que tem seu datacenter no Brasil, estou vendendo pois tive um problema com meu sócio com quem queria expandir minha empresa para o Brasil e como não vou usar estou colocando a venda, caso tenha interesse entraremos em contato diretamente com a empresa para efetuar a transferência e entrega em seu nome e o dedicado começará a correr sua mensalidade a partir do momento que você obtiver o dedicado, que já foi acertado com a empresa, abaixo vou deixar o preço mês a mês e inclui 4 endereços IPv4 características Dual Xeon E5-2650v2 128Gb ram Enlace ascendente: 10GBps 960GB SSD Valor: 999.90 Reals /mensual Datacenter: Sao Paulo - Brasil Interesados; +541158891152
  2. I don't pretend to be a gringo, im latino and my english is much low, i don't use traductor, english is the idiom universal yes not like to you, then shut up
  3. you this saying what when this in attack you vps take in stop the red of the vps? and later restore the functioning of the same when attack finished?
  4. i don't recommend reliablesite, in past i buy one dedicated here and alls ip this infect and ips get blocked out of nowhere, I bought it 2 years ago, I don't know how it is working right now, but they have many problems with the IPs, even if you are not making attacks they block you
  5. hi friends, i want delete ns1,ns2,hostname in order of clients, i remove in "templates\orderforms\standard_cart\configureproduct.tpl" but show error what this is need complete this fields for next here adjunt image of the error
  6. the problem is what not know what table have this field 'option' or 'optin' in the error appears tlb.... not show the name of table what contain this field is the problem, i don't can identify
  7. Hi friend, in my whmcs later of register show this error: ERROR: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'optin' in 'field list' i use whmcs version 7.6.0 any help please i thanks to all members of this forum, im new here
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