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Plugin Nginx


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Olá, boa noite !!!


 Eu instalei no meu servidor o plugin Nginx c/ Cpanel e no tutorial que eu li, estava informando que para cada conta criada com IP dedicado, deveríamos fazer "Rebuild Vhosts", fazem 15 minutos que adicionei uma 4 contas, coloquei um IP dedicado e fui em "Rebuild Vhosts", feito isso a contas que eu cadastrei estão inacessíveis, mas se eu do um PING no IP ou domínio ele aceita, mas direto pelo navegador ele da um erro "Ops! O Firefox não conseguiu se conectar a dominio.com"


Obs: Não sei porque, mas a porta 80 para alguns domínios estão fechada, apenas a 8081 esta aberto.. CSF, tá OK, liberado 80 e 8081.


Uma outra duvida, será que essa configuração esta correta?

user  nobody;
# no need for more workers in the proxy mode
worker_processes  5;
error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log info;
worker_rlimit_nofile 20480;
events {
 worker_connections 9120; # increase for busier servers
 use epoll; # you should use epoll here for Linux kernels 2.6.x
http {
 server_name_in_redirect off;
 server_names_hash_max_size 10240;
 server_names_hash_bucket_size 1024;
 include    mime.types;
 default_type  application/octet-stream;
 server_tokens off;
# remove/commentout disable_symlinks if_not_owner;if you get Permission denied error
# disable_symlinks if_not_owner;
 sendfile on;
 tcp_nopush on;
 tcp_nodelay on;
 keepalive_timeout  5;
 gzip on;
 gzip_vary on;
 gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";
 gzip_proxied any;
 gzip_http_version 1.1;
 gzip_min_length  1000;
 gzip_comp_level  6;
 gzip_buffers  16 8k;
# You can remove image/png image/x-icon image/gif image/jpeg if you have slow CPU
 gzip_types    text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/xml image/png image/x-icon image/gif image/jpeg application/javascript application/xml+rss text/javascript application/atom+xml;
 ignore_invalid_headers on;
 client_header_timeout  3m;
 client_body_timeout 3m;
 send_timeout     3m;
 reset_timedout_connection on;
 connection_pool_size  256;
 client_header_buffer_size 256k;
 large_client_header_buffers 4 256k;
 client_max_body_size 200M; 
 client_body_buffer_size 128k;
 request_pool_size  32k;
 output_buffers   4 32k;
 postpone_output  1460;
 proxy_temp_path  /tmp/nginx_proxy/;
 proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=microcache:5m max_size=1000m;
 client_body_in_file_only on;
 log_format bytes_log "$msec $bytes_sent .";
 log_format custom_microcache '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
        '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
        '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" nocache:$no_cache';
include "/etc/nginx/vhosts/*";

E vejam os logs de erros, tbm estou com uma duvida, pois esta constando que está em conflito.

Log Viewer - Showing Last 200 Lines

2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: worker process 13615 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: worker process 13611 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: worker process 13613 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: worker process 13614 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:29:07 [notice] 31287#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [warn] 19023#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [warn] 19023#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19023#0: using the "epoll" event method
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19023#0: nginx/1.4.4
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19023#0: built by gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) (GCC) 
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19023#0: OS: Linux 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19023#0: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 65535:65535
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker processes
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker process 19025
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker process 19026
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker process 19027
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker process 19028
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start worker process 19029
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start cache manager process 19030
2014/04/02 20:29:09 [notice] 19024#0: start cache loader process 19031
2014/04/02 20:30:09 [notice] 19031#0: http file cache: /var/cache/nginx 0.000M, bsize: 4096
2014/04/02 20:30:09 [notice] 19024#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:30:09 [notice] 19024#0: cache loader process 19031 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:30:09 [notice] 19024#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 2 (SIGINT) received, exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19026#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19025#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19029#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19027#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19028#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19030#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19027#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19029#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19026#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19025#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19028#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: cache manager process 19030 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: worker process 19027 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: worker process 19028 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: worker process 19025 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: worker process 19026 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: worker process 19029 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:29 [notice] 19024#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [warn] 20622#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [warn] 20622#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20622#0: using the "epoll" event method
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20622#0: nginx/1.4.4
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20622#0: built by gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) (GCC) 
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20622#0: OS: Linux 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20622#0: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 65535:65535
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker processes
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20624
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20625
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20626
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20627
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20628
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start cache manager process 20629
2014/04/02 20:34:31 [notice] 20623#0: start cache loader process 20630
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 1 (SIGHUP) received, reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: using the "epoll" event method
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker processes
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20660
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20661
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20662
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20663
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 20664
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start cache manager process 20665
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: start cache loader process 20666
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20625#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20624#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20627#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20630#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20625#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20624#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20627#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20629#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: cache loader process 20630 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20626#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20628#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20626#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20628#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: cache manager process 20629 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20624#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20625#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20627#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20626#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20628#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20626 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20624 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20625 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20627 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20628 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:34:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:35:39 [notice] 20666#0: http file cache: /var/cache/nginx 0.000M, bsize: 4096
2014/04/02 20:35:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:35:39 [notice] 20623#0: cache loader process 20666 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:35:39 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 1 (SIGHUP) received, reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: using the "epoll" event method
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker processes
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21343
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21344
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21345
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21346
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21347
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: start cache manager process 21348
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20663#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20660#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20661#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20662#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20660#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20662#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20661#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20663#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20660#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20662#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20663#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20661#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20664#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20665#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20664#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20664#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20662 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: cache manager process 20665 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20660 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20661 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20663 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 20664 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 1 (SIGHUP) received, reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: reconfiguring
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: using the "epoll" event method
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker processes
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21897
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21898
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21899
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21900
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start worker process 21902
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: start cache manager process 21903
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21343#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21345#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21344#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21344#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21345#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21343#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21344#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21343#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21346#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21345#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21346#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21346#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21347#0: gracefully shutting down
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21348#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 21343 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 21344 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 21345 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21347#0: exiting
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 21346 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 21347#0: exit
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: cache manager process 21348 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: worker process 21347 exited with code 0
2014/04/02 20:36:40 [notice] 20623#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received

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De fato  nunca funciona bem esse negócio de mudar ips de dominios. Mas o procedimento de recriar os vhosts está correto...


Depois disso execute isto:  /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipaliases restart , reinicie o apache, e veja se deu certo. Se não deu, depois de algumas horas tudo funciona.

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Obrigado @joaopaulo, eu vou testar no FDS, acabei removendo, pois tinha que terminar algumas pendências nesses domínios,


E essa configuração, você acha que esta bom?


Meu servidor tem a seguinte configuração:


Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz

64GB de memória



Uma outra coisa é no log, onde consta :

2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored

Tenho várias linhas com esse conflito?

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Obrigado @joaopaulo, eu vou testar no FDS, acabei removendo, pois tinha que terminar algumas pendências nesses domínios,


E essa configuração, você acha que esta bom?


Meu servidor tem a seguinte configuração:


Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz

64GB de memória



Uma outra coisa é no log, onde consta :

2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on, ignored
2014/04/02 20:36:09 [warn] 20623#0: conflicting server name "" on [::]:80, ignored

Tenho várias linhas com esse conflito?


Você não disse a finalidade do servidor, logo... Mas minha experiência diz que qualquer servidor com mais de 24GB RAM é subutilizado com cPanel, pois ele não faz proveito disso tudo. 64GB é mais pra virtualização e uso pesado de BD...



Quanto a esse erro abaixo no log, não se trata de um erro, mas sim de uma má configuração, mas pela flexibilidade do Nginx ele ignora, o que não acarreta problemas.

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Ola JP, eu uso este servidor para envio de email marketing. Obrigado e instalei o nginx no intuito de melhorar a velocidade no carregamento das imagens no computador dos destinatários.


Digite também:




Veja no /etc/nginx/vhosts se os vhosts referentes à cada conta estão criados. Se estiverem, confere o IP e se estiver errado, altera e reinicia o apache/nginx.

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