MichelGomide Posted August 18, 2011 Share Posted August 18, 2011 Colegas bom dia. Gostaria que me orientassem neste caso. Tenho um site hospedado na locaweb e aluguei outro servidor para e-mail marketing. Houve uma reclamação de SPAM e a LOCAWEB quer desativar meu site devido a esta reclamação, gostaria de saber de vocês se isto procede : O servidor de email marketing é outro, outro ip, outro país e não tem nada a ver com a locaweb, isto seria motivo de cancelamento ? Como posso ou devo argumentar ..... pois eles acham que fiz o emkt do servidor deles e provo abaixo que não Segue o link do chamado https://helpdesk.locaweb.com.br/Detalhe_Chamado.asp?acao=exibir&id_cham=6915598&chave=AB38E00B-8428-4754-843B-E513CD9986BA tá parecendo briga de casal, o cara tem uma amante e a mulher quer o divórcio ........ (neste caso justifica) :p ###### Spamvertised web site: http://www.reprelogios.com.br/ http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?i=z5563634063zafb1de84a5ca936e8c0a58dcf078fa2cz http://www.reprelogios.com.br/ is; Fri, 15 Jul 2011 16:22:28 GMT [ Offending message ] Return-path: <[email protected]> Envelope-to: [email protected] Delivery-date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:03:32 +0100 Received: from mailer3.bham.ac.uk ([] helo=bham.ac.uk) by sun19.bham.ac.uk with esmtp (TLSv1:DES-CBC3-SHA:168) (Exim 4.30) id 1QhkrU-0006uF-0G for [email protected]; Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:03:32 +0100 Received: from bham-mx1.bham.ac.uk ([]) by bham.ac.uk (envelope-from <[email protected]>) with esmtp (Exim 4.72) id 1QhkrT-0006jC-EB for [email protected] using interface bham.ac.uk; Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:03:31 +0100 Received: from ns1.7marketing.com.br ([] helo=reverso.7marketing.com.br) by bham-mx1.bham.ac.uk (envelope-from <[email protected]>) with esmtp (Exim 4.72) id 1Qhkqu-0001u3-Ba for [email protected]; Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:03:17 +0100 Received: (qmail 23934 invoked by uid 0); 9 Aug 2011 02:54:19 -0000 Received: from ns1.7marketing.com.br (HELO campanhas.7marketing.com.br) ([email protected]@ by ns1.7marketing.com.br with ESMTPA; 9 Aug 2011 02:54:19 -0000 To: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:15:55 -0200 From: "=?UTF-8?B?UG9ydGFyaWEgTWluaXN0w6lyaW8gZG8gVHJhYmFsaG8=?=" <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer-LID: 5 List-Unsubscribe: <http://campanhas.7marketing.com.br/2011/unsubscribe.php?M=255031&C=45e9258a52 93aba9732400c08cf89a9a&L=5&N=6> X-Mailer-RecptId: 255031 X-Mailer-SID: 6 X-Mailer-Sent-By: 1 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="multipart/alternative"; charset="UTF-8"; boundary="b1_89e77cf7666c665565f1ecd0a5b934f5" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Disposition: inline X-BHAM-STAMP-class: SPAM: X-BHAM-STAMP-score: 67 X-BHAM-STAMP-bar: ssssss X-BHAM-STAMP-bar2: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss X-BHAM-STAMP-report: Assessment score: 6.7 Assessment server: sun64.bham.ac.uk 0.0 DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_B Received from the same IP twice in a row (only one external relay) 1.7 URIBL_WS_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the WS SURBL blocklist [uRIs: 7marketing.com.br] 4.5 URIBL_AB_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the AB SURBL blocklist [uRIs: reprelogios.com.br] 0.5 DATE_IN_PAST_24_48 Date: is 24 to 48 hours before Received: date 0.0 RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay domain 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message 0.0 HTML_FONT_LOW_CONTRAST BODY: HTML font color similar to background 0.0 T_KHOP_FOREIGN_CLICK T_KHOP_FOREIGN_CLICK 0.0 T_SURBL_MULTI1 T_SURBL_MULTI1 X-BHAM-INTERNAL-origsubject: =?UTF-8?B?Q29udHJvbGUgZGUgUG9udG8gSG9tb2xvZ2FkbyBNaW5pc3TDqXJpbyBkbyBUcmFiYWxobw==?= Subject: SPAM: =?UTF-8?B?Q29udHJvbGUgZGUgUG9udG8gSG9tb2xvZ2FkbyBNaW5pc3TDqXJpbyBkbyBUcmFiYWxobw==?= X-BHAM-id2: 1bbe48e2ed6f80975afefdcb743ef3d8 ##### Link to comment
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