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Tudo que israelborges postou

  1. Definitivo: O erro 421 Downstream server error é bloqueio pelo ISP, ou seja, BudgetVM. São incapazes de resolver o problema, e acusam o cliente de estar com algo malicioso no servidor (linux, sério), rodei wireshack pra monitorar todo processo, não tem nada. Eles informam que meu servidor está encaminhando vários e-mails para destinatário inexistente: Minha resposta para eles: Várias pessoas no Brasil relatam a mesma situação em seus serviços, e suas respostas são sempre a mesma: enviando e-mail para endereços que não existem. Vocês acusaram informando que há algo errado, não enviaram prova alguma, e alegam que há vulnerabilidade em minhas configurações e não ajudam a resolver o problema! Estou muito insatisfeito com seus serviços, fazem somente 2 meses que estou com vocês, meu nível de uso é mínimo, envio em torno de 3 e-mails externos por mês, e alguns locais, e suas respostas não condizem com o fato, rodei wireshack e não apareceu nada errado, se vocês não sabem, wireshack mostra todas informações que passa pela rede, faltou respeito de vocês ao cliente! Respostas deles: Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 23:08:20 Hello, As previously advised, the 421 will persist for up to 24 hours. We recommend that you refrain from sending email during this time as it may trigger the email block again. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 22:32:02 Hello, If your email is entirely local, ie, it does not leave the server, then we will be incapable of blocking it. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 21:42:23 Hello, Do not send any email for 24 hours. If this issue persists after 24 hours, please contact us again. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 21:39:06 Hello, This error will persist for 24 hours. Please refrain from sending email for the next 24 hours or this error will persist. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 21:09:59 Hello, I cannot show you a screenshot of our internal tools. Additionally, please note that 421 errors will take 24 hours to stop. I recommend that you stop all outgoing email for that time to prevent further issues. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 20:27:43 Hello, Our logs indicate that this server is still attempting to send email to servers that do not exist. I recommend that you examine your server configuration to determine the cause of these emails. Regards, Sam C Staff Reply Adam G @ 05/10/2016 - 17:16:14 Hello, Those iptables rules will prevent emails from being sent on your server. If your server is trying to make SMTP connections without your authorization then its considered compromised. You should reinstall your server if you believe it to be compromised. If I can be of any further assistance or if you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Adam Staff Reply Adam G @ 05/10/2016 - 16:56:52 Hello, Why are you running several tests per second? Your SMTP ports will show this error as long as you continue this activity. If I can be of any further assistance or if you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Adam Staff Reply Adam G @ 05/10/2016 - 16:47:44 Hello, The 421 error will resolve automatically once your server stops attempting to make connections to SMTP servers that dont exist. Below are some examples of the connections that your server is attempting. sent 2016-5-10 13:45:38 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:45:38 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:45:38 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:45:38 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:45:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:45:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:45:34 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:45:34 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:45:34 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:45:34 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:36 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:36 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:44:35 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:44:35 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:41:54 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:41:54 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:41:54 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:41:54 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:41:50 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:41:50 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:41:50 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:41:50 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:40:50 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:40:50 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:40:50 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:40:50 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:40:47 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:40:47 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:40:47 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:40:47 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:39:47 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:39:47 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:39:47 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:39:47 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:39:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:39:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:39:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:39:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:54 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:54 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:53 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:53 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:38:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:38:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:51 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:51 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:50 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:50 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:42 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:42 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:42 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:42 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:37:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:37:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:36:48 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:36:48 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:36:47 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:36:47 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:35:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:35:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:35:44 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:35:44 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:34:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:34:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:34:41 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:34:41 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:33:06 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:33:06 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:33:06 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:33:06 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error sent 2016-5-10 13:32:03 -0700 (2016-05-10 16:32:03 -0400 on server) from [] to [] via [] - (version 5.6.12) 421 Downstream server error If I can be of any further assistance or if you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Adam Staff Reply Sam C @ 05/10/2016 - 16:34:42 Hello, This error indicates that you are attempting to send email to too many email addresses that do not exist. Most commonly, this is due to some form of automation being incorrectly configured, such as Fail2Ban attempting to email you but having the wrong receiving email address in its configuration. I see that your server is attempting to send approximately 3 emails at the same time, once per minute, every minute which looks to be the cause of this error. Regards, Sam C
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