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Tudo que Armando postou
Que empresa ridicula cara, falo de coração já fui de diversas empresas até de revenda! De pessoas com CPF agora a uolhost e lamentável cara da vontade de chorar com a burrice do atendimento.
Serio você acha que a gerencia ou algo da uolhost não teria mais interesse em pagar cerca de 100 Reais de transferência de dominio? Do que ter que responder a processo judicial de maior valor?
Mais amigo eu quero fazer isso entende, mais fala serio eu não saio para outra empresa a menos que a uolhost tenha prejuízo pelo que me fez passar amigo e ridículo cara como eles podem ser a pior empresa de host do brasil? Tem mais reclamação que a nextel¬¬
Amigos estou enfrentando um problema, com a uolhost a anos so que agora preciso da alteração de um DNS e tenho ticket aberto com eles a 2 meses! Sendo que ja liguei pra la 25x / E o ticket ja foi respondido mais de 25x so que sempre e assim! Eu quero alterar o nameserver + ip. Eu tenho o reverso direto em meu domínio! So que quando um atendente da uol vai alterar ou eu mesmo em meu painel de controle aparece um ip que eu tinha a 1 ano atras com a uolhost! Exemplo o atendente vai mudar para: ns1.test.com - IP ns2.test.com - IP Em vez de alterar para esse ip aparece outro ip no intodns e em outros! O ip que eu tinha 1 ano atras... Então gente o que eu posso fazer? Eu sei que judicialmente devido ao atendimento da uol eu consigo ganhar na justiça não so todos dominios com a resell.biz ou resellerclub, como também consigo ganhar danos morais também. Mais eu não tenho tempo para isso eu só queria um acordo simples com a uolhost a transferência de meus domínios de forma gratuita eles mesmo pagando eu sei que isso e muito melhor do que sofrer processo e ser obrigado a pagar não só isso como multa por danos morais então eu queria saber existe Administração, gerente alguma coisa da uolhost no mundo? Porque faz 2 meses que tento falar com um :(
Mais o whmcs so custa 30 reais amigo.
E vocês apagam a conta?
Não entendi, porque vai sair do whmcs? O mesmo tem como fazer validação dos campos, não entendi.
Mais eu digo antes entende? No cadastro verificar telefone endereço e etc entende?
Vale realmente a pena validar os clientes? Eu digo endereço / telefone / cpf e etc? E porque estou recebendo alguns cadastros falsos. Estilo XXXXXXX Estilo 1111111 Essas coisas.
Apps Para Android 3.2 / 4.0 Para Monitoramento
Armando respondeu ao tópico de chuvadenovembro em Administração geral
Você mesmo pode fazer o aplicativo e muito facil ainda mais na plataforma android e extremamente facil. -
Whmcs Email Template - Padrão?
Armando respondeu ao tópico de Armando em Gerenciadores de hospedagem
INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (1, 'product', 'Hosting Account Welcome Email', 'New Account Information', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p align=\"center\"><strong>PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS</strong></p><p>Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account.</p><p>If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime.</p><p><strong>New Account Information</strong></p><p>Hosting Package: {$service_product_name}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}<br />First Payment Amount: {$service_first_payment_amount}<br />Recurring Amount: {$service_recurring_amount}<br />Billing Cycle: {$service_billing_cycle}<br />Next Due Date: {$service_next_due_date}</p><p><strong>Login Details</strong></p><p>Username: {$service_username}<br />Password: {$service_password}</p><p>Control Panel URL: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}:2082/\">http://{$service_server_ip}:2082/</a><br />Once your domain has propogated, you may also use <a href=\"http://www.{$service_domain}:2082/\">http://www.{$service_domain}:2082/</a></p><p><strong>Server Information</strong></p><p>Server Name: {$service_server_name}<br />Server IP: {$service_server_ip}</p><p>If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below.</p><p>Nameserver 1: {$service_ns1} ({$service_ns1_ip})<br />Nameserver 2: {$service_ns2} ({$service_ns2_ip}){if $service_ns3}<br />Nameserver 3: {$service_ns3} ({$service_ns3_ip}){/if}{if $service_ns4}<br />Nameserver 4: {$service_ns4} ({$service_ns4_ip}){/if}</p><p><strong>Uploading Your Website</strong></p><p>Temporarily you may use one of the addresses given below to manage your web site:</p><p>Temporary FTP Hostname: {$service_server_ip}<br />Temporary Webpage URL: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}/~{$service_username}/\">http://{$service_server_ip}/~{$service_username}/</a></p><p>And once your domain has propagated you may use the details below:</p><p>FTP Hostname: {$service_domain}<br />Webpage URL: <a href=\"http://www.{$service_domain}\">http://www.{$service_domain}</a></p><p><strong>Email Settings</strong></p><p>For email accounts that you setup, you should use the following connection details in your email program:</p><p>POP3 Host Address: mail.{$service_domain}<br />SMTP Host Address: mail.{$service_domain}<br />Username: The email address you are checking email for<br />Password: As specified in your control panel</p><p>Thank you for choosing us.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (29, 'domain', 'Domain Renewal Confirmation', 'Domain Renewal Confirmation', '<p>Dear {$client_name}, </p><p>Thank you for your domain renewal order. Your domain renewal request for the domain listed below has now been completed.</p><p>Domain: {$domain_name}<br />Renewal Length: {$domain_reg_period}<br />Renewal Price: {$domain_recurring_amount}<br />Next Due Date: {$domain_next_due_date} </p><p>You may login to your client area at {$whmcs_url} to manage your domain. </p><p>{$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (3, 'domain', 'Domain Registration Confirmation', 'Domain Registration Confirmation', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis message is to confirm that your domain purchase has been successful. The details of the domain purchase are below: \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nRegistration Date: {$domain_reg_date}<br />\r\nDomain: {$domain_name}<br />\r\nRegistration Period: {$domain_reg_period}<br />\r\nAmount: {$domain_first_payment_amount}<br />\r\nNext Due Date: {$domain_next_due_date} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou may login to your client area at {$whmcs_url} to manage your new domain. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature} \r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (4, 'product', 'Reseller Account Welcome Email', 'Reseller Account Information', '<p align=\"center\">\r\n<strong>PLEASE PRINT THIS MESSAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS - PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL.</strong>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIf you have requested a domain name during sign up then this will not be visible on the internet for between 24 and 72 hours. This process is called Propagation. Until your domain has Propagated your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nDear {$client_name},\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe reseller hosting account for {$service_domain} has been set up. The username and password below are for both cPanel to manage the website at {$service_domain} and WebHostManager to manage your Reseller Account.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>New Account Info</strong>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nDomain: {$service_domain}<br />\r\nUsername: {$service_username}<br />\r\nPassword: {$service_password}<br />\r\nHosting Package: {$service_product_name}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nControl Panel: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}:2082/\">http://{$service_server_ip}:2082/</a><br />\r\nWeb Host Manager: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}:2086/\">http://{$service_server_ip}:2086/</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />\r\n<strong>Web Host Manager Quick Start</strong> <br />\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />\r\n<br />\r\nTo access your Web Host Manager, use the following address:<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}:2086/\">http://{$service_server_ip}:2086/</a><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe <strong>http://</strong> must be in the address line to connect to port :2086 <br />\r\nPlease use the username/password given above. <br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong><em>To Create a New Account <br />\r\n</em></strong><br />\r\nThe first thing you need to do is scroll down on the left and click on 'Add Package' so that you can create your own hosting packages. You cannot install a domain onto your account without first creating packages.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n1. Click on 'Create a New Account' from the left hand side menu <br />\r\n2. Put the domain in the 'Domain' box (no www or http or spaces ? just domainname.com). After putting in the domain, hit TAB and it will automatically create a username. Also, enter a password for the account.<br />\r\n3. Your package selection should be one that you created earlier <br />\r\n4. Then press the create button <br />\r\n<br />\r\nThis will give you a confirmation page (you should print this for your records)\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nPlease do not click on anything that you are not sure what it does. Please do not try to alter the WHM Theme from the selection box - fatal errors may occur. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nTemporarily you may use one of the addresses given below manage your web site\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nTemporary FTP Hostname: {$service_server_ip}<br />\r\nTemporary Webpage URL: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}/~{$service_username}/\">http://{$service_server_ip}/~{$service_username}/</a><br />\r\nTemporary Control Panel: <a href=\"http://{$service_server_ip}/cpanel\">http://{$service_server_ip}/cpanel</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nOnce your domain has Propagated\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nFTP Hostname: www.{$service_domain}<br />\r\nWebpage URL: <a href=\"http://www.{$service_domain}\">http://www.{$service_domain}</a><br />\r\nControl Panel: <a href=\"http://www.{$service_domain}/cpanel\">http://www.{$service_domain}/cpanel</a><br />\r\nWeb Host Manager: <a href=\"http://www.{$service_domain}/whm\">http://www.{$service_domain}/whm</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Mail settings</strong>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nCatch all email with your default email account\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nPOP3 Host Address : mail.{$service_domain}<br />\r\nSMTP Host Address: mail.{$service_domain}<br />\r\nUsername: {$service_username}<br />\r\nPassword: {$service_password}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAdditional mail accounts that you add\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nPOP3 Host Address : mail.{$service_domain}<br />\r\nSMTP Host Address: mail.{$service_domain}<br />\r\nUsername : The FULL email address that you are picking up from (e.g. [email protected]). <br />\r\nIf your email client cannot accept a @ symbol, then you may replace this with a backslash .<br />\r\nPassword : As specified in your control panel \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for choosing us.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (30, 'domain', 'Upcoming Domain Renewal Notice', 'Upcoming Domain Renewal Notice', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>{if $days_until_expiry}The domain(s) listed below are due to expire within the next {$days_until_expiry} days.{else}The domain(s) listed below are going to expire in {$domain_days_until_expiry} days. Renew now before it\'s too late...{/if}</p><p>{if $expiring_domains}{foreach from=$expiring_domains item=domain}{$domain.name} - {$domain.nextduedate} <strong>({$domain.days} Days)</strong><br />{/foreach}{else}{$domain_name} - {$domain_next_due_date} <strong>({$domain_days_until_nextdue} Days)</strong>{/if}</p><p>To ensure the domain does not expire, you should renew it now. You can do this from the domains management section of our client area here: {$whmcs_link}</p><p>Should you allow the domain to expire, you will be able to renew it for up to 30 days after the renewal date. During this time, the domain will not be accessible so any web site or email services associated with it will stop working.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (28, 'domain', 'Domain Transfer Initiated', 'Domain Transfer Initiated', '<p>Dear {$client_name}, </p><p>Thank you for your domain transfer order. Your order has been received and we have now initiated the transfer process. The details of the domain purchase are below: </p><p>Domain: {$domain_name}<br />Registration Length: {$domain_reg_period}<br />Transfer Price: {$domain_first_payment_amount}<br />Renewal Price: {$domain_recurring_amount}<br />Next Due Date: {$domain_next_due_date} </p><p>You may login to your client area at {$whmcs_url} to manage your domain. </p><p>{$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (7, 'support', 'Support Ticket Opened', 'New Support Ticket Opened', '<p>\r\n{$client_name},\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for contacting our support team. A support ticket has now been opened for your request. You will be notified when a response is made by email. The details of your ticket are shown below.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nSubject: {$ticket_subject}<br />\r\nPriority: {$ticket_priority}<br />\r\nStatus: {$ticket_status}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou can view the ticket at any time at {$ticket_link}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (8, 'support', 'Support Ticket Reply', 'Support Ticket Response', '<p>\r\n{$ticket_message}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n----------------------------------------------<br />\r\nTicket ID: #{$ticket_id}<br />\r\nSubject: {$ticket_subject}<br />\r\nStatus: {$ticket_status}<br />\r\nTicket URL: {$ticket_link}<br />\r\n----------------------------------------------\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (9, 'general', 'Client Signup Email', 'Welcome', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for signing up with us. Your new account has been setup and you can now login to our client area using the details below. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nEmail Address: {$client_email}<br />\r\nPassword: {$client_password} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nTo login, visit {$whmcs_url} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature} \r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (10, 'product', 'Service Suspension Notification', 'Service Suspension Notification', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>This is a notification that your service has now been suspended. The details of this suspension are below:</p><p>Product/Service: {$service_product_name}<br />{if $service_domain}Domain: {$service_domain}<br />{/if}Amount: {$service_recurring_amount}<br />Due Date: {$service_next_due_date}<br />Suspension Reason: <strong>{$service_suspension_reason}</strong></p><p>Please contact us as soon as possible to get your service reactivated.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (32, 'general', 'Credit Card Expiring Soon', 'Credit Card Expiring Soon', '<p>Dear {$client_name}, </p><p>This is a notice to inform you that your {$client_cc_type} credit card ending with {$client_cc_number} will be expiring next month on {$client_cc_expiry}. Please login to update your credit card information as soon as possible and prevent any interuptions in service at {$whmcs_url}<br /><br />If you have any questions regarding your account, please open a support ticket from the client area.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (31, 'support', 'Bounce Message', 'Support Ticket Not Opened', '<p>{$client_name},</p><p>Your email to our support system could not be accepted because it was not recognized as coming from an email address belonging to one of our customers. If you need assistance, please email from the address you registered with us that you use to login to our client area.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (13, 'invoice', 'Invoice Payment Confirmation', 'Invoice Payment Confirmation', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p>\r\n<p>This is a payment receipt for Invoice {$invoice_num} sent on {$invoice_date_created}</p>\r\n<p>{$invoice_html_contents}</p>\r\n<p>Amount: {$invoice_last_payment_amount}<br />Transaction #: {$invoice_last_payment_transid}<br />Total Paid: {$invoice_amount_paid}<br />Remaining Balance: {$invoice_balance}<br />Status: {$invoice_status}</p>\r\n<p>You may review your invoice history at any time by logging in to your client area.</p>\r\n<p>Note: This email will serve as an official receipt for this payment.</p>\r\n<p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (14, 'invoice', 'Invoice Created', 'Customer Invoice', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is a notice that an invoice has been generated on {$invoice_date_created}. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYour payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nInvoice #{$invoice_num}<br />\r\nAmount Due: {$invoice_total}<br />\r\nDue Date: {$invoice_date_due} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Invoice Items</strong> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$invoice_html_contents} <br />\r\n------------------------------------------------------ \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at {$invoice_link} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature} \r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (15, 'invoice', 'Invoice Payment Reminder', 'Invoice Payment Reminder', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name},\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is a billing reminder that your invoice no. {$invoice_num} which was generated on {$invoice_date_created} is due on {$invoice_date_due}.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYour payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nInvoice: {$invoice_num}<br />\r\nBalance Due: {$invoice_balance}<br />\r\nDue Date: {$invoice_date_due}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at {$invoice_link}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (16, 'general', 'Order Confirmation', 'Order Confirmation', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below: \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nOrder Number: <b>{$order_number}</b></p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$order_details} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou will receive an email from us shortly once your account has been setup. Please quote your order reference number if you wish to contact us about this order. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (17, 'product', 'Dedicated/VPS Server Welcome Email', 'New Dedicated Server Information', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name},<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>PLEASE PRINT THIS MESSAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS - PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL.</strong>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe are pleased to tell you that the server you ordered has now been set up and is operational.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Server Details<br />\r\n</strong>=============================\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$service_product_name}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nMain IP: {$service_dedicated_ip}<br />\r\nRoot pass: {$service_password}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIP address allocation: <br />\r\n{$service_assigned_ips}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nServerName: {$service_domain}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>WHM Access<br />\r\n</strong>=============================<br />\r\n<a href=\"http://xxxxx:2086/\">http://xxxxx:2086</a><br />\r\nUsername: root<br />\r\nPassword: {$service_password}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Custom DNS Server Addresses</strong><br />\r\n=============================<br />\r\nThe custom DNS addresses you should set for your domain to use are: <br />\r\nPrimary DNS: {$service_ns1}<br />\r\nSecondary DNS: {$service_ns2}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou will have to login to your registrar and find the area where you can specify both of your custom name server addresses.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAfter adding these custom nameservers to your domain registrar control panel, it will take 24 to 48 hours for your domain to delegate authority to your DNS server. Once this has taken effect, your DNS server has control over the DNS records for the domains which use your custom name server addresses. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>SSH Access Information<br />\r\n</strong>=============================<br />\r\nMain IP Address: xxxxxxxx<br />\r\nServer Name: {$service_domain}<br />\r\nRoot Password: xxxxxxxx\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou can access your server using a free simple SSH client program called Putty located at:<br />\r\n<a href=\"http://www.securitytools.net/mirrors/putty/\">http://www.securitytools.net/mirrors/putty/</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Support</strong><br />\r\n=============================<br />\r\nFor any support needs, please open a ticket at {$whmcs_url}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nPlease include any necessary information to provide you with faster service, such as root password, domain names, and a description of the problem / or assistance needed. This will speed up the support time by allowing our administrators to immediately begin diagnosing the problem.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe manual for cPanel can be found here: <a href=\"http://www.cpanel.net/docs/cp/\">http://www.cpanel.net/docs/cp/</a> <br />\r\nFor documentation on using WHM please see the following link: <a href=\"http://www.cpanel.net/docs/whm/index.html\">http://www.cpanel.net/docs/whm/index.html</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n=============================\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIf you need to move accounts to the server use: Transfers Copy an account from another server with account password\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<a href=\"http://xxxxxxx:2086/scripts2/norootcopy\">http://xxxxxxx:2086/scripts2/norootcopy</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nNote the other server must use cpanel to move it.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n=============================\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (18, 'product', 'Other Product/Service Welcome Email', 'New Product Information', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name},\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYour order for {$service_product_name} has now been activated. Please keep this message for your records.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nProduct/Service: {$service_product_name}<br />\r\nPayment Method: {$service_payment_method}<br />\r\nAmount: {$service_recurring_amount}<br />\r\nBilling Cycle: {$service_billing_cycle}<br />\r\nNext Due Date: {$service_next_due_date}\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for choosing us.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (19, 'invoice', 'Credit Card Payment Confirmation', 'Credit Card Payment Confirmation', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p>\r\n<p>This is a payment receipt for Invoice {$invoice_num} sent on {$invoice_date_created}</p>\r\n<p>{$invoice_html_contents}</p>\r\n<p>Amount: {$invoice_last_payment_amount}<br />Transaction #: {$invoice_last_payment_transid}<br />Total Paid: {$invoice_amount_paid}<br />Remaining Balance: {$invoice_balance}<br />Status: {$invoice_status}</p>\r\n<p>You may review your invoice history at any time by logging in to your client area.</p>\r\n<p>Note: This email will serve as an official receipt for this payment.</p>\r\n<p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (20, 'invoice', 'Credit Card Payment Failed', 'Credit Card Payment Failed', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is a notice that a recent credit card payment we attempted on the card we have registered for you failed. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nInvoice Date: {$invoice_date_created}<br />\r\nInvoice No: {$invoice_num}<br />\r\nAmount: {$invoice_total}<br />\r\nStatus: {$invoice_status} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nYou now need to login to your client area to pay the invoice manually. During the payment process you will be given the opportunity to change the card on record with us.<br />\r\n{$invoice_link} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nNote: This email will serve as an official receipt for this payment. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (21, 'invoice', 'Credit Card Invoice Created', 'Customer Invoice', '<p> Dear {$client_name}, </p> <p> This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on {$invoice_date_created}. </p> <p> Your payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method} </p> <p> Invoice #{$invoice_num}<br /> Amount Due: {$invoice_total}<br /> Due Date: {$invoice_date_due} </p> <p> <strong>Invoice Items</strong> </p> <p> {$invoice_html_contents} <br /> ------------------------------------------------------ </p> <p> Payment will be taken automatically on {$invoice_date_due} from your credit card on record with us. To update or change the credit card details we hold for your account please login at {$invoice_link} and click Pay Now then following the instructions on screen. </p> <p> {$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (22, 'affiliate', 'Affiliate Monthly Referrals Report', 'Affiliate Monthly Referrals Report', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is your monthly affiliate referrals report. You can view your referral statistics at any time by logging in to the client area. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nTotal Visitors Referred: {$affiliate_total_visits}<br />\r\nCurrent Earnings: {$affiliate_balance}<br />\r\nAmount Withdrawn: {$affiliate_withdrawn} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Your New Signups this Month</strong> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$affiliate_referrals_table} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nRemember, you can refer new customers using your unique affiliate link: {$affiliate_referral_url} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (23, 'support', 'Support Ticket Opened by Admin', '{$ticket_subject}', '{$ticket_message}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (24, 'invoice', 'First Invoice Overdue Notice', 'First Invoice Overdue Notice', '<p> Dear {$client_name}, </p> <p> This is a billing notice that your invoice no. {$invoice_num} which was generated on {$invoice_date_created} is now overdue. </p> <p> Your payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method} </p> <p> Invoice: {$invoice_num}<br /> Balance Due: {$invoice_balance}<br /> Due Date: {$invoice_date_due} </p> <p> You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at {$invoice_link} </p> <p> Your login details are as follows: </p> <p> Email Address: {$client_email}<br /> Password: {$client_password} </p> <p> {$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (25, 'product', 'SHOUTcast Welcome Email', 'SHOUTcast New Account Information', '<p align=\"center\">\r\n<strong>PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS</strong> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for your order from us! Your shoutcast account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>New Account Information</strong> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nDomain: {$service_domain}<br />\r\nUsername: {$service_username}<br />\r\nPassword: {$service_password} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<strong>Server Information</strong> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nServer Name: {$service_server_name}<br />\r\nServer IP: {$service_server_ip}<br />\r\nNameserver 1: {$service_ns1}<br />\r\nNameserver 1 IP: {$service_ns1_ip}<br />\r\nNameserver 2: {$service_ns2} <br />\r\nNameserver 2 IP: {$service_ns2_ip} \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThank you for choosing us. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature}\r\n</p>\r\n', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (26, 'invoice', 'Second Invoice Overdue Notice', 'Second Invoice Overdue Notice', '<p> Dear {$client_name}, </p> <p> This is the second billing notice that your invoice no. {$invoice_num} which was generated on {$invoice_date_created} is now overdue. </p> <p> Your payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method} </p> <p> Invoice: {$invoice_num}<br /> Balance Due: {$invoice_balance}<br /> Due Date: {$invoice_date_due} </p> <p> You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at {$invoice_link} </p> <p> Your login details are as follows: </p> <p> Email Address: {$client_email}<br /> Password: {$client_password} </p> <p> {$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (27, 'invoice', 'Third Invoice Overdue Notice', 'Third Invoice Overdue Notice', '<p> Dear {$client_name}, </p> <p> This is the third and final billing notice that your invoice no. {$invoice_num} which was generated on {$invoice_date_created} is now overdue. Failure to make payment will result in account suspension.</p> <p> Your payment method is: {$invoice_payment_method} </p> <p> Invoice: {$invoice_num}<br /> Balance Due: {$invoice_balance}<br /> Due Date: {$invoice_date_due} </p> <p> You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at {$invoice_link} </p> <p> Your login details are as follows: </p> <p> Email Address: {$client_email}<br /> Password: {$client_password} </p> <p> {$signature} </p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (33, 'support', 'Support Ticket Auto Close Notification', 'Support Ticket Resolved', '<p>{$client_name},</p><p>This is a notification to let you know that we are changing the status of your ticket #{$ticket_id} to Closed as we have not received a response from you in over {$ticket_auto_close_time} hours.</p><p>Subject: {$ticket_subject}<br>Department: {$ticket_department}<br>Priority: {$ticket_priority}<br>Status: {$ticket_status}</p><p>If you have any further questions then please just reply to re-open the ticket.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (34, 'invoice', 'Credit Card Payment Due', 'Invoice Payment Reminder', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>This is a notice to remind you that you have an invoice due on {$invoice_date_due}. We tried to bill you automatically but were unable to because we don\'t have your credit card details on file.</p><p>Invoice Date: {$invoice_date_created}<br>Invoice #{$invoice_num}<br>Amount Due: {$invoice_total}<br>Due Date: {$invoice_date_due}</p><p>Please login to our client area at the link below to submit your card details or make payment using a different method.</p><p>{$invoice_link}</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (35, 'product', 'Cancellation Request Confirmation', 'Cancellation Request Confirmation', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.</p><p>Product/Service: {$service_product_name}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}</p><p>{if $service_cancellation_type==\"Immediate\"}The service will be terminated within the next 24 hours.{else}The service will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period on {$service_next_due_date}.{/if}</p><p>Thank you for using {$company_name} and we hope to see you again in the future.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (36, 'general', 'Quote Delivery with PDF', 'Quote #{$quote_number} - {$quote_subject}', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>Here is the quote you requested for {$quote_subject}. The quote is valid until {$quote_valid_until}. You may {if $client_id}view the quote at any time at {$quote_link} and {/if}simply reply to this email with any further questions or requirement.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (37, 'general', 'Password Reset Validation', 'Your login details for {$company_name}', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>Recently a request was submitted to reset your password for our client area. If you did not request this, please ignore this email. It will expire and become useless in 2 hours time.</p><p>To reset your password, please visit the url below:<br /><a href=\"{$pw_reset_url}\">{$pw_reset_url}</a></p><p>When you visit the link above, your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (38, 'general', 'Automated Password Reset', 'Your new password for {$company_name}', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>As you requested, your password for our client area has now been reset. Your new login details are as follows:</p><p>{$whmcs_link}<br />Email: {$client_email}<br />Password: {$client_password}</p><p>To change your password to something more memorable, after logging in go to My Details > Change Password.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (39, 'admin', 'Automatic Setup Failed', 'WHMCS Automatic Setup Failed', '<p>An order has received its first payment but the automatic provisioning has failed and requires you to manually check & resolve.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />{if $service_id}Service ID: {$service_id}<br />Product/Service: {$service_product}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}{else}Domain ID: {$domain_id}<br />Registration Type: {$domain_type}<br />Domain: {$domain_name}{/if}<br />Error: {$error_msg}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (40, 'admin', 'Automatic Setup Successful', 'WHMCS Automatic Setup Successful', '<p>An order has received its first payment and the product/service has been automatically provisioned successfully.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />{if $service_id}Service ID: {$service_id}<br />Product/Service: {$service_product}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}{else}Domain ID: {$domain_id}<br />Registration Type: {$domain_type}<br />Domain: {$domain_name}{/if}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (41, 'admin', 'Domain Renewal Failed', 'WHMCS Automatic Domain Renewal Failed', '<p>An invoice for the renewal of a domain has been paid but the renewal request submitted to the registrar failed.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />Domain ID: {$domain_id}<br />Domain Name: {$domain_name}<br />Error: {$error_msg}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (42, 'admin', 'Domain Renewal Successful', 'WHMCS Automatic Domain Renewal Successful', '<p>An invoice for the renewal of a domain has been paid and the renewal request was submitted to the registrar successfully.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />Domain ID: {$domain_id}<br />Domain Name: {$domain_name}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (43, 'admin', 'New Order Notification', 'WHMCS New Order Notification', '<p><strong>Order Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>Order ID: {$order_id}<br />\r\nOrder Number: {$order_number}<br />\r\nDate/Time: {$order_date}<br />\r\nInvoice Number: {$invoice_id}<br />\r\nPayment Method: {$order_payment_method}</p>\r\n<p><strong>Customer Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>Customer ID: {$client_id}<br />\r\nName: {$client_first_name} {$client_last_name}<br />\r\nEmail: {$client_email}<br />\r\nCompany: {$client_company_name}<br />\r\nAddress 1: {$client_address1}<br />\r\nAddress 2: {$client_address2}<br />\r\nCity: {$client_city}<br />\r\nState: {$client_state}<br />\r\nPostcode: {$client_postcode}<br />\r\nCountry: {$client_country}<br />\r\nPhone Number: {$client_phonenumber}</p>\r\n<p><strong>Order Items</strong></p>\r\n<p>{$order_items}</p>\r\n{if $order_notes}<p><strong>Order Notes</strong></p>\r\n<p>{$order_notes}</p>{/if}\r\n<p><strong>ISP Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>IP: {$client_ip}<br />\r\nHost: {$client_hostname}</p><p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}orders.php?action=view&id={$order_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}orders.php?action=view&id={$order_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (44, 'admin', 'Service Unsuspension Failed', 'WHMCS Service Unsuspension Failed', '<p>This product/service has received its next payment but the automatic reactivation has failed.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />Service ID: {$service_id}<br />Product/Service: {$service_product}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}<br />Error: {$error_msg}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (45, 'admin', 'Service Unsuspension Successful', 'WHMCS Service Unsuspension Successful', '<p>This product/service has received its next payment and has been reactivated successfully.</p>\r\n<p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br />Service ID: {$service_id}<br />Product/Service: {$service_product}<br />Domain: {$service_domain}</p>\r\n<p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (46, 'admin', 'Support Ticket Created', '[Ticket ID: {$ticket_tid}] New Support Ticket Opened', '<p>A new support ticket has been opened.</p>\r\n<p>Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if}<br />Department: {$ticket_department}<br />Subject: {$ticket_subject}<br />Priority: {$ticket_priority}</p>\r\n<p>---<br />{$ticket_message}<br />---</p>\r\n<p>You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (47, 'admin', 'Support Ticket Response', '[Ticket ID: {$ticket_tid}] New Support Ticket Response', '<p>A new support ticket response has been made.</p>\r\n<p>Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if} <br />Department: {$ticket_department} <br />Subject: {$ticket_subject} <br />Priority: {$ticket_priority}</p>\r\n<p>--- <br />{$ticket_message} <br />---</p>\r\n<p>You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (48, 'admin', 'Escalation Rule Notification', '[Ticket ID: {$tickettid}] Escalation Rule Notification', '<p>The escalation rule {$rule_name} has just been applied to this ticket.</p><p>Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if} <br />Department: {$ticket_department} <br />Subject: {$ticket_subject} <br />Priority: {$ticket_priority}</p><p>---<br />{$ticket_message}<br />---</p><p>You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.</p><p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (49, 'admin', 'Support Ticket Department Reassigned', '[Ticket ID: {$ticket_tid}] Support Ticket Department Reassigned', '<p>The department this ticket is assigned to has been changed to a department you are a member of.</p><p>Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if}<br />Department: {$ticket_department}<br />Subject: {$ticket_subject}<br />Priority: {$ticket_priority}</p><p>---<br />{$ticket_message}<br />---</p><p>You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.</p><p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (50, 'invoice', 'Invoice Refund Confirmation', 'Invoice Refund Confirmation', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p>\r\n<p>This is confirmation that a {if $invoice_status eq \"Refunded\"}full{else}partial{/if} refund has been processed for Invoice #{$invoice_num}</p>\r\n<p>The refund has been {if $invoice_refund_type eq \"credit\"}credited to your account balance with us{else}returned via the payment method you originally paid with{/if}.</p>\r\n<p>{$invoice_html_contents}</p>\r\n<p>Amount Refunded: {$invoice_last_payment_amount}{if $invoice_last_payment_transid}<br />Transaction #: {$invoice_last_payment_transid}{/if}</p>\r\n<p>You may review your invoice history at any time by logging in to your client area.</p>\r\n<p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (51, 'admin', 'New Cancellation Request', 'New Cancellation Request', '<p>A new cancellation request has been submitted.</p><p>Client ID: {$client_id}<br>Client Name: {$clientname}<br>Service ID: {$service_id}<br>Product Name: {$product_name}<br>Cancellation Type: {$service_cancellation_type}<br>Cancellation Reason: {$service_cancellation_reason}</p><p>{$whmcs_admin_link}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (52, 'admin', 'Support Ticket Flagged', 'New Support Ticket Flagged to You', '<p>A new support ticket has been flagged to you.</p><p>Ticket #: {$ticket_tid}<br>Client Name: {$client_name} (ID {$client_id})<br>Department: {$ticket_department}<br>Subject: {$ticket_subject}<br>Priority: {$ticket_priority}</p><p>----------------------<br />{$ticket_message}<br />----------------------</p><p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}supporttickets.php?action=viewticket&id={$ticket_id}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (53, 'domain', 'Domain Transfer Failed', 'Domain Transfer Failed: {$domain_name}', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>Recently you placed a domain transfer order with us but unfortunately it has failed. The reason for the failure if available is shown below so once this has been resolved, please contact us to re-attempt the transfer.</p><p>Domain: {$domain_name}<br>Failure Reason: {$domain_transfer_failure_reason}</p><p>If you have any questions, please open a support ticket from our client area @ {$whmcs_link}</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (54, 'general', 'Quote Accepted', 'Quote #{$quote_number} Accepted - {$quote_subject}', '<p>\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is a confirmation that quote generated on {$quote_date_created} has been accepted by you and invoice # {$invoice_num} is generated.\r\n<p>\r\n{$signature} \r\n</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (55, 'general', 'Quote Accepted Notification', 'Quote #{$quote_number} Accepted - {$quote_subject}', '<p>A quote has been accepted by the following customer.</p><p><strong>Customer Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>Customer ID: {$client_id}<br />\r\nName: {$clientname}<br />\r\nEmail: {$client_email}<br />\r\nCompany: {$client_company_name}<br />\r\nAddress 1: {$client_address1}<br />\r\nAddress 2: {$client_address2}<br />\r\nCity: {$client_city}<br />\r\nState: {$client_state}<br />\r\nPostcode: {$client_postcode}<br />\r\nCountry: {$client_country}<br />\r\nPhone Number: {$client_phonenumber}</p>\r\n<p><strong>Quote Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>Quote #: {$quote_number}<br />\r\nQuote Subject: {$quote_subject}</p><p><a href=\"{$whmcs_admin_url}quotes.php?action=manage&id={$quote_number}\">{$whmcs_admin_url}quotes.php?action=manage&id={$quote_number}</a></p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (56, 'general', 'Password Reset Confirmation', 'Your password has been reset for {$company_name}', '<p>Dear {$client_name},</p><p>As you requested, your password for our client area has now been reset. </p><p>If it was not at your request, then please contact support immediately.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); INSERT INTO `tblemailtemplates` VALUES (57, 'support', 'Support Ticket Feedback Request', 'Your Feedback is Requested for Ticket #{$ticket_id}', '<p>This support request has been marked as completed.</p><p>We would really appreciate it if you would just take a moment to let us know about the quality of your experience.</p><p><a href=\"{$ticket_url}&feedback=1\">{$ticket_url}&feedback=1</a></p><p>Your feedback is very important to us.</p><p>Thank you for your business.</p><p>{$signature}</p>', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0); Quem tiver o interesse eu to postando ae em cima. -
Quero o default do whmcs tblemailtemplates em english mesmo. Não estou achando em nenhum lugar. O que vem no install não está completo! Versão: 5.2.5
Tudo bem, por favor fechem o topico. Vou contratar os serviços com o Edvan obrigado :)
Não amigo eu vou comprar de você mais se o sistema funciona por licença seria possível efetuar um teste com o mesmo?
Amigos eu estou pensando em comprar os modulos do edvan eu entrei em contato mais logo de primeira em vez de ficar confortável fiquei com medo do atendimento. Fiz algumas perguntas sobre segurança, tentei fazer 2 cadastros para poder ver os modulos trabalhando e cancelaram os 2 falaram que eram dados falsos e etc. Fiquei com medo até, mais meio que entendi o lado deles. Estou pensando em trabalhar também com MoIP e também com o MoIP transparente para o boleto. O valor total sairia por 400 reais. Achei meio caro entende queria pergunta a vocês se da pra confiar e etc, tentei algum acordo visando que o sistema tem licenciamento fico com medo de acontecer alguma coisa de errada. Alguém já trabalho com eles? Eu até estou usando a imagem deles de boleto, fiquei meio apreensivo quando vi essa resposta no e-mail foi meio direta e bem grossa fiquei meio com medo e etc. Então tenho duvidas se podem querer se vingar de min por eu não ter comprado a imagem e ter pego o link dela. Pretendo comprar os 4 modulos alguém sabe se tem algum desconto especial?
Pagseguro + Paypal X Clientes Esquisitos...
Armando respondeu ao tópico de Armando em Administração geral
No WHMCS tem alguma forma de só aceitar pagamentos por deposito para domínios? -
Pagseguro + Paypal X Clientes Esquisitos...
Armando respondeu ao tópico de Armando em Administração geral
Não acho que seja tão perda de tempo assim tem empresas trabalhando com isso e vivem disso a anos. Não acho que seja tão ado-le assim. Acho o neymar = ado-le. -
Pagseguro + Paypal X Clientes Esquisitos...
Armando respondeu ao tópico de Armando em Administração geral
Mais será! que tem problema com pagseguro e paypal? Porque muitas empresas que vende hosting pra games usam. -
Tudo bem, mais eu quero saber os preços que ele costuma vender. Ou que seria bom vende.
Gostei de sua maneira de pensar. Pode me informa quais preços você vende domínios e quais formas de pagamento.
Entendo sua forma de pensar concordo com ela mais mesmo assim aceitar pagseguro / paypal. E ter que pagar aquelas taxas prefiro cobrar agora um pouco mais. E empatar o valor pelo menos não vou ter prejuízo concorda?
Amigo eu vendia a esses valores: .com / .net = 15R$ .com.br = 30R$ ------------- O problema e não quero vender entende? Não da lucro algum o que eu quero fazer e completar o serviço entende? Já que aumentaram não posso mais vender como era então prefiro aumentar meu valor um pouco.
Penso em pegar o plano de 100 reais da resellerclub e aumentar os valores de venda. Para: .com / .net = 25R$ .com.br = 40R$
Depende, o que é lucro pra ti.. Valor? Qualidade? Os valores do resellbiz não são mais baixos que da resellerclub? Qualidade? As duas não são empresas de alto nível?
E pagar com cartão com a resellbiz não e mais lucro?